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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Moving forward...

We got the puppy. Her name is Lucy Lou and I love her so much! She is adorable, her own person (puppy)completely although she looks looks like her sister a lot. Kyle loves her and it is great to have her here. We're doing very well!

In other news, I quit my job! I am so done with it, I hope I can finish this next week out without any big problems. Becky K is making it difficult and I want to just be gone, but I must get through a few more days! Going to work for Rehabcare at Tomball Hospital. I cannot wait!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


I am looking at possibly getting a new puppy...already. I called her breeder yesterday to see if there were any other sisters/brothers of Mollie's available. There is one...am I ready? She's a little girl, same golden color as Mollie, same daddy, but different mama. She's maybe be a little bit bigger than Mollie was, but still under 10 lbs. I miss her...I wish she were the puppy I still had, not the one I am trying to get over. I know Hannah isn't ready, but she's just scared to love another puppy and to lose it. I have a big decision to make. Kyle and K'Lynn are supportive. We'll see what happens. Going camping today...need the break from this tough week! This will get better!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Healing, slowly...

One day later and I am doing a little better. I miss Mollie the most early in the mroning and late at night. Early in the morning, that was our time. She would be in the bathroom with me while I was in the tub. She loved licking the water out of the tub, off of my arms and legs,etc... She would run around and bark at the oddest things. She would grab my towel and try to wrestle it from me. All of it seemed cute at the time, but now I miss it so much.

Hannah helped by taking the bed with the toys outside. That was her little part of my healing process. I cleaned my room last night and did ok until I had to remove her bedding and bowls from her crate where she spend my working hours. Her little black and white blanket was her favorite. I had just recently filled the water bowl, but the food bowl was empty. I broke down when I took the bowls into the kitchen. I went to the table and laid my head down and sobbed. Everyone else was busy, so I went un-noticed for a little while. Kyle came in eventually and I jumped up trying to cover it up. He just gathered me up in his arms and hugged me...allowing me to cry. He just said "I am so sorry". Perfect...that was all he could say and all he did say. I love my husband and my family. We will get through this. The sweet little friends I have at church also made me a card trying to help me get through this also. With the love of so many, I will heal. Love you Mollie.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My puppy died today.

I got a sweet puppy a few weeks ago. Her name was Mollie. I loved her like didn't know I could. My husband loved her in a way he didn't expect also. She was growing, learning new tricks, had a mountain of personality, and every day was an adventure. She wasn't housetrained, but we managed. She slept in our bed and snuggled with us at night. She played rough with Kyle, but would snuggle up in my lap. She even won the hearts of K'Lynn and Hannah, which is saying quite a lot for a dog. She loved Lucky, my sweet Jack Russell.

Today, though, she got out of the yard and was immediatly hit by a car. I am sure they never saw her sweet little body. K'Lynn found her and it broke her heart. She was finally able to call me and I was devestated. I stil am.

More later...I am trying to decide if I am out of tears, or if there are a few left to get to sleep with tonight. Lots of prayers needed...she really was family. I love you Mollie. Rest in peace.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


God has me in a wierd place right now. Things have never been better, yet, I've never been more restless. I would love to say I am super happy with where I am in my life, but I'm just not satisfied in some ways. I have lost 40 lbs since last September, but I am not satisfied at all. I am also not doing anything to lose more, so ???? what do I expect? I am so overworked this past week that I am exhausted! I am just crazy busy at work and have so much to do at home also. I found out last Saturday that they might be selling our house...seriously? We just got here! I will have to trust God to show us what to do next if that happens. I got the opportunity to talk with someone yesterday about some possible work changes...trusting God to work those details out too. Excited about where our church is going now...can't wait for tomorrow!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

From FB..."I think I saw an angel today..." from November 15, 2009

So, although I didn't realize it at the time, I think I saw an angel today. Ordinary afternoon shopping with Kyle... checking out at the front of the store. I had been aware as we shopped of a family there with loud children. I got a glimpse of them midway through my time in the store...not kids, more like young adults with special needs. I am used to that- I 've dealt with people of all types through my work in the hospitals and clinics over the years. I didn't pay much attention to them...busy with my main focus shopping for a new sweater- you know, important stuff!

Placing the items we had selected on the counter, I noticed that the next cashier was helping this same family. Middle aged Hispanic man, maybe 50-ish, with two young adult special needs children at his side. The son must have been the one I had heard earlier. He was all smiles, talking non-stop. He pointed out this thing and the next to his father. Their dad was very patient with them, responding to everything he said. Along with this son, though, was a daughter. Although very small in stature, she was probably about my oldest daughter's age- 23 or so. She was obviously developmentally delayed, but was a very happy young lady. As I was waiting on the total, I pulled out my chewing gum from my purse. When she saw the package, her eyes lit up!!! She got so excited that she began to squeal! Like a small child, she immediately held her hand out and silently asked for a piece. I didn't really understand what she wanted at first, so she began to make noises to say "Please!!". Not the word, mind you...just the sound. Somehow I got it! I looked to Dad and said "Do you mind?". He initially said "No, no...that is ok- she doesn't need that.". I said, "I don't mind..." and he finally said "ok". When I opened the package and set two pieces into my hand, she grabbed them quickly and smiled at me- all teeth!! I was feeling pretty satisfied with having made her so happy and then I heard a similar sound coming from her brother. He wanted gum too!! Two more pieces, one more big toothy grin. That was nice... I was happy to have made them happy.

Receipt and purse in one hand and bags in another , I headed for the door. I stopped when I noticed she had stepped into my path. "Do you want more gum?"... no response. Then she did it-

She reached both arms around my neck and pulled me in close. She hugged me like I can't remember being hugged in a long time by anyone. When she finally let me go, she smiled at me. I said something about how sweet she was and thanked her. I walked out feeling quite warm inside.

I got busy immediately dealing with a phone call and then the drive home. I actually forgot about that hug until I got still and began thinking a little bit ago. Then God reminded me of it and I realized what a gift I had been given today. She didn't know me and I didn't know how much I needed her hug. This young lady might not seem to have a lot to offer to some, but she gave me something no one else could- a glimpse of the Father. Who knew a simple shopping trip could be so rewarding?

From FB..."I am going to provide all of your needs...." from December 2008

The story begins with that promise. On a plane while traveling to Scotsdale, AZ, I received this promise. It wasn't a promise made only to me... just read Phillipians 4:19. I had read it before and I knew it- but it wasnt' personal. On this flight, it became very personal.

So much to preface this with, but the short version is this. 16 months prior, my family moved to another state. New jobs, new church, new school for Hannah, new house for us, but the benefit of being there with some old friends. Best friends...these were exciting times! The first year ticked right along... we kinda thought we'd be there forever. Kids were good, marriage was good, life was good. K'Lynn was to graduate from college soon and we were making plans to travel to Texas for that.

I got on the plane early that December morning. I had been with the

company only 8 months- still the new kid on the block. My boss had been out for a little while on a leave of absence. I was attending some training with our regional manager. Hadn't met him before- wanted to make a good impression. I should also say, I hate the take off portion of any flight. That morning, I kinda gripped the arm rests and began to pray for safety. To my left sat a lady, but we didn't speak. Just a nod as she took her seat- fine for an early morning.

Eyes closed...praying for the little things. Safety, as I had mentioned, but many other things. Guidance, Godly partners for my children, health mercies for my family, the courage to continue to witness to my boss when she returned from leave...so many things. Suddenly, I heard this "I am going to provide all of your needs". A voice I heard- a voice without a speaker. Is that you, God? I looked at the lady next to me. She was resting quietly- eyes shut. Must have been her, right? Maybe not. Just be still- if it was her, she'll speak again.

Eyes closed again...wondering if I imagined that voice. Silence. Then, I heard it again. "I AM going to provide all your needs". I am feeling a little like Samuel now...It's you, right God? Speak Lord...your servant is listening...

The promises came then, one after the other- each time with a different word emphasised:

"I am GOING to provide all your needs"

"I am going TO provide all your needs"

"I am going to PROVIDE all your needs"

" I am going to provide ALL your needs"

"I am going to provide all YOUR needs"

and finally

"I am going to provide all your NEEDS"

I don't really know what to think. It obviousy wasn't the lady next to me- she was snoring by now. God- this must be you. God, you are kinda scaring me. What does this mean? Is something bad going to happen? Is it our trip to Texas, God? Will our plane crash? Is something wrong with one of my children? What are You preparing me for?

As quickly as the fear and worry started- God's peace blanketed my spirit. If God promised to provide all of my needs, why would I worry? Faith...that's what I was left with. Faith that God would do just what He promised. My eyes filled with tears. Thank you, Father...thank you for loving me enough to prepare me for whatever is to come. Thank you for making straight the path. Thank you...thank you...

I had no way to know- and couldn't have handled the knowledge if I had known- all of the things that would happen after this day. No way to know that I'd be given a great promotion at work- providing financially for us. No way to know that Kyle would leave his job so quickly. No way to know that his next job and our next home was just around the corner in Texas. No way to know that my family would lose people from our lives that were almost like family. No way to know how much that would hurt or how we'd get through. God knew though. And God was concerned enough about me that he gave me a "heads up" if you will. I am such a planner- need to know all of the details in advance if at all possible. God created me and certainly knew this. It takes me a while to get used to new ideas- this was all part of the plan.

Jeremiah 29:11 says:

'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

God is faithful. He is a loving God who is concerned about our day to day. He has shown me things in 2008 that I never could have imagined. Some incredible, some initially frightening, some devestating, some exhillarating- but all ordained by God.

He has provided all my needs. He always has- he always will.

From FB..."I am watching, although silently" from February 7, 2010

You know, FB is a wierd place. I see people that I have known thoughout the years on here, many I am very close with , others I only know a little bit. Some of these people I used to know very well, but haven't seen in years. Some I see on a daily basis. The funny thing about FB is that it is a glimpse into their souls sometimes. Here's what I mean...

I saw you write that sweet status about how much you love your spouse and children...it made me think about my own and made me thank God that you are doing so well.

I saw how frustrated you were with others when you updated the other day...and I prayed for you.

I realized by reading your status that you are now doing some things that you never did when I lived near you. That made me sad...would it be different if I could still influence your life on a daily basis? Is that what you learned in youth group? Hmmm....

I know now how to pray for you by reading you thoughts...seems like you are struggling in a couple of areas. I will do that for you without us ever talking about it out loud.

I see that your marriage is not working out...I wonder if my posts will encourage you to try harder?

I ask God to give you strength in regards to your child since today was a hard one for you. I write on your wall and say "we've all been there!"

This morning, you wrote that you were getting your family ready for church...I am very proud that your faith is being passed along to your children.

You tell me to "have a great day in the Lord" and somehow I really take that advise!

We are able to bear each other's burdens through the words and thoughts shared on here: death, birth, divorce, lost jobs, new jobs, victories, defeats.....life.

Remember that I am watching, although silently. Sometimes what you write pains me for you, sometimes I rejoice. I don't always comment, but I do always react. You are being prayed for and thought of with every post. God is that way too, you know. He is always aware of our needs and is actively woring to accomplish His will. He does all of this without Facebook!! As for the status updates, keep them coming...I love being able to get a glimpse into your soul.

Have a blessed day...I know I will!!

From FB..."Who could have known? from June 26, 2010

Almost 2 years ago, God picked up my life and lives of my family and shook it up like never before. It felt awful at the time. I trusted him completely, but I resented the event that He used to move us from New Mexico back to Texas. I resented the people He used, the "unfairness" of it all, how much it hurt, etc... I knew He had a plan, but I sure did try to sulk for a while! Who could have known?

My dad said he hated to see us go to such a "dead end town"...good thing is I never have taken much stock in his advice. God opened doors so quickly for us to get here that it was undeniable what His plan was. As always ( I am proud to say), we obediently walked down the path He illuminated. Who could have known where it would lead us?

Moving to Anderson, TX was risky in some ways. Small town, first pastorate for Kyle, away from family (again...but we've done this before!),a hurricain 3 weeks after I arrived... so many changes. It would have been easy to get hung up on those details, but instead God gave me such peace about it all. Returning to familiar friends since we're so close to Hempstead has made all of this a richer experience. Sort of feels like a reward for good work done years ago in our very first miniistry there, reaping the rewards of our faithfulness there through these people. Andrew and Kim, Beverly and Joe, Kim, Jason and their whole family, Travis and Madeline and the boys, Bro. Danny, James and Sylvia, Misty and Bryan and their sweet children, Mark and Cathy and the kids, Steve, Karen and their crew, and of course Gayle and Jan Mitchell...all were a part of our lives back then and have now come full circle! Who could have known??

29 people were present for the church vote on August 1st when Kyle was presented as a candidate forthe pastor position at Anderson Baptist Church. The average attendance was 6 or 7 on Wednesday nights. There were 2 children and one high school student in the whole church then. Pretty small begining from most people's standards, but we were nothing but excited by this challenge. No where to go but up! Now, on Wednesday nights, you will see 25 plus children and youth crowded into our new bulding for Team Kid and youth group. More than 25 adults come to the Parker House to have bible study and prayer meeting...Who could have known what growth God was planning in the future with people He had been preparing to join us?

Last year, our church voted (a few more than 29 people voted this time!) to bring Andrew on as our part time student minister. He had already been doing the job, but now we had grown the point that we could offer him a little compensation. A huge step for this small body of believers! 5 students and 2 adults went to Student Life camp in 2009... this year God sent 18 students and 5 adults leaders!! God is honoring Andrew's service and his faithfulness. It is such a pleasure to watch all of this growth! Who could have known this would be our future all those months and weeks ago?

Last Sunday, 92 people attended the Father's Day service. Kyle preached one of the best sermons I've heard... he sure is getting good at this preaching thing! This Sunday, we'll baptize a little boy that accepted Christ with his Mom at home recently. Exciting times! This Sunday we'll also have some of those students that attended camp get up and share their experiences...I can't wait! Many of these will make their decisions public and God will be honored! Who could have known that God would show up like only He can and speak to those young adults like He did?? 6 or 7 accepted Christ...3 re-dedications...growth in that body of students that will spread through out our church...EXCITING!!

Last week, our church (under the amazing direction of Nan Nevels!) put on it's first VBS in many years. 32 different children registered and attended ...not to bad considering only 29 people were present to vote for us to be here less than 2 years before! 38 workers participated each night...WOW!! Who could have known??

God's presence is almost overwhelming right now. It is sweet and thick and unavoidable. If you don't want any of what He is doing here, then you better steer clear of Hwy 90. He has set up camp here and is totally using our town and church to accomplish His will and plan. I am honored to be just a small part of this. Really...who could have known? God knew all along...that's because He is God!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

The first 25 years...a celebration.

25 years ago today, my world was on the verge of a huge change. 25 years and 6 days ago, I had discovered that I was pregnant. 16 years old, working as a cashier for the summer at Dollar General Store, getting ready to start my junior year of high school...all the normal 16 year old stuff. 25 years and 3 weeks ago, I had made a commitment with Kyle at an evangelism rally in Linden, TX to stop participating in premarital sex. I was very sure this was something God led us to do and we had been so faithful to that commitment for the whole 3 weeks...then I realized my period was late. When we swallowed all of our pride, walked down the bleachers to his pastor and made this confession...our daughter was already growing in my womb. As we prayed for God to help us change our dating life into something He would be honored by, the gift He was giving us was already there with us. She was a part of that vow, in a way. So, for almost 3 weeks, we changed everything about how we interacted with each other. More accountability to other people... no 'alone' time...devoted ourselves to prayer and reading of the scripture... we were doing so well!! Ignorance was bliss for about 2 weeks, until I realized that I should have had my period.

With the help of the lady I worked with, we did a pregnancy test early one Saturday morning at work before the store opened. Our manager came in and discovered us, cried with me, and gave me some good advise. I had quickly decided that I would have to quit school and just work there full time...she said "I won't keep you on here- you have to finish school". I called Kyle a little later that morning and broke the news to him. We then began the chore of talking with our parents the rest of that day. So many of the details I have lost over time, but one remains pretty clear- God's hand in it all. From the preacher being beyond understanding and non-judgemnental, to his dear wife Vicky looking at me and saying "Honey, come on in the house...I think my wedding dress might be just your size", God was in control.

I tell people that I didn't marry a preacher, and I didn't. I married my high school sweetheart. I married that really good looking guy that walked into the skating rink one night. I married that sweet young man that gave up his college years and his 69 mustang for our little family since a baby carseat didn't fit in there safely. I married my best friend, who has become so much more to me over the past 25 years. I married a man of integrity. A man that isn't afraid to stand up to a bully. A man that overlooks my shortcomings, and there are so many of those. A man that constantly pushes me in such a gentle way to become a better person that I don't feel the nudge. A man that I would gladly give my life for because I know that the world would be so much better of with him in it. I love that guy... As he has become a pastor now, I have grown to respect him in a whole new way. I have come to appreciate his wisdom and the leadership he allows God to have in everything he does. Having watched a couple of other pastors very closely, his integrity is amazing. I did not see that with the other two. They talked one game, but lived another. This man is exactly who he says he is, warts and all. God is honored in the way he leads our children, our family, our church...in all things! So refreshing!

So, this morning I can't sleep anyway and I'm focusing on how God has blessed me with this remarkable man. I have been remembering the good times and the hard times and thanking Him for both. The first 25 years was rich, but he next 25 will bring things I cannot even imagine. Both new life and death, joy and pain, heartbreak and victory, but Kyle will be with me through it all. Even when the time comes that God sees fit to call one of us home, we will remain in the heart of the other. It is hard to consider those days, but they are also part of this journey so they must be counted.

25 years ago tomorrow, I became a better person. I became a whole person because the other half of me became my husband. I love you Kyle.....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Amazing times...simply amazing!

These are some amazing times I am living in...simply amazing! The growth that I am witnessing in our church and in the lives of our members is just overwhelming. Two days ago, 8 new members were baptized into our body of believers. The week before that, one more and the week before that still one more. 10 baptisms in 3 weeks...unbelievable! It seems that when one problem arises, God puts a blessing in my life to counter it. We are not promised a life free from trouble- that would be boring! The beauty of this is the ride! The challenges...the wondering how God is going to make this crooked path straight...getting to watch the plan unfold. You have to watch though..don't just think this is 'life'. This is "life" through Christ. Abundant, overflowing, rich, and fufilling. All the things I see God doing right now are simply amazing...not sure how else to describe it!

Be blessed today. Watch for all the ways God is blessing you- because He is!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just when I needed You most....

This has been an interesting week. Coming off of the high of camp from last week, I knew things would change. Traditionally it isn't a change for the best, because the devil shows up and begins to mess things up. This seems to be the way things have been going. Such amazing things happened at camp. Andrew and Kim took a total of 23 adults and students to San Angelo. Of the 23, 9 people made decisions. 6 professions of faith, 3 re-dedications. On Sunday, 5 of the 6 came forward to join our church. It was an AMAZING day!! By the evening, things had begun to change already.

  • Someone was upset. The mother of two of the students that had received Christ got offended during her Sunday School class. She doesn't know the Lord, although she is a wonderful person. Her experience in Sunday School made the wonderful service clouded for her. I knew nothing of it, but it was bad for her because she was so upset. I spoke to her for an hour on Monday and she met with Kyle for a long while also. She just doesn't understand so many things. I know that God will reveal things to her as she becomes ready, but it isn't today.
  • Kyle is sick. For almost 3 weeks now, he has been dealing with a kidney stone (s?). He became miserable last Monday as we traveled to San Angelo. It has been off and on since. 2 ER visits, one CT scan, countless pain pills and lots of frustration later, we have a diagnosis at least. 2 kidney stones remain in the left kidney. I am praying he'll pass them soon and we will be ok for a while. It is miserable to watch the man I love be in so much pain. He is such a great fellow and deserves so much more!
  • My company was sold. The work that I've done for all of these months now is in jeopardy. Things never stay the same when that happens. Bummer, right? Still have a job for now, though, so that is good.

Here is what happened today, though. I was very discouraged today. I was frustrated with a few details at work. I had a headache and I was ready to go home. Sitting at my desk, I saw one of my residents being pushed up to my door in his wheelchair. He has ALS and cannot speak. He didn't want to leave his home, but has done really well since moving into our community. He was smiling and had big plants in his lap. His sister said "This is for you!" and he extended one of the two plants to me. I thanked him and gave him a hug, oohing and aahhing over the gracious gift. He had written me a note thanking me for 'changing his life' by convincing him to move into HEOA. He was so happy!! He took the other gift to our ED and thanked her simlarly. I needed that! Just a couiple of minutes later, another family came up and basically told me the same thing. They said that their mom had a new lease on life and they were so grateful for my help in getting her there. You never know what an impact you might be having on someone else, I guess. God knew I needed their words of encouragement today, especially today.

I am thankful for a God that knows me so well that He can send people into my life to help me when I need it. Much better day today!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

So many things....

Life, as I said in the last post, is moving so fast right now. It has been almost a month since I wrote on this last. I am personally down over 30 lbs since joining weight watchers last August. I have done over 30 move ins at work and am managing many more coming in the next few weeks. Church is going amazingly well...God is truly in charge! He is moving the pieces of my life all around in ways I never knew were available. The kids are all doing so well...just can't complain, you know? Bubba will leave very soon for Student Life ...may be staying in Birminigham following the summer also. We will miss him so much!

I'd love to really fill in all of the blanks here, but time is just so short. More details soon.....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh my goodness this is fast!!

Life is just going a little too fast for me right now! I contemplated listing my schedule on here for the past 2-3 weeks, but realized that it would just tire me out even more to do that. I am just worn out! Work is going very well, but it is hard to keep up. So many great things are going on in our church that I wouldn't have time this morning to list them all. This weekend is our church's 165th anniverrsary celebration and it will be quite a shindig. Pair that with funeral for my friend's sister (another really long story!) and I believe we have the recipe for a crazy few days!

God, I really need You today and tomorrow and Friday and Saturday....Sunday would be great too. While we're at it, I just need you everyday, ok? Thanks!

Monday, February 15, 2010

It is finally happening!!

The tides have turned! Slowly but surely, an impression has been made in this community. Slowly but surely, people are begining to take notice. Visitors week after week... members becoming more and more excited. The new building is being visited by so many people each week through pee wee basketball practices and 5th quarters. Families with children...teenagers from the high school, old friends, new friends...God is putting so many pieces into place.

Kyle is encouraged. It hasn't always been this way. Once certain couple almost took this away from everyone. It has been great to see how God has accomplished His will despite them. God has a plan and we are in it. It seems that all we came here for is finally happening!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All those years ago...

You know what? It is true- time does fly. Many years ago, 22 to be exact, my only biological son was born. I have been blessed to count 2 other young men as my "own" (love you Bobby and Andrew!) over the years as well, but I only gave birth to Bubba. John Ryan (known to our whole family as Bubba) is a very special guy. He is beyond talented musically and writes as well as any published author. I am very proud to be his mom.

You know, he wasn't always going to be "John Ryan". The whole time I was pregnant, I would imagine that this was a son. This was before routine ultrasounds, so I was only guessing. I would call this son "John Joshua"...John, after his Daddy and Pawpaw, and Joshua- not sure where this name came from though. I imagined us calling him "Josh". This was just perfect, I thought. Until he got here, that is.

Bubba got here 2 weeks early. This was great for me, since K'Lynn was just a baby girl herself at the time (22 months old) and I needed to just get on to this next phase. He was born on a cloudy Wednesday and we came home in SNOW a day or two later. Maybe that is why he loves snow now...loves to ski and snowboard. When he was born, the doctor cleaned him up and showed him to us. I immediately looked at Kyle and said "That isn't Josh!" (disclaimer: since this was 22 years ago, I might not have said this exactly. It's just how I remember it, so don't call me on it if I am stretching a little!) I looked at this hairy little guy and knew his name couldn't be Josh...his name was... hmmm... Ryan. That is right, his name was John Ryan. It has fit him perfectly ever since. Who knew what a blessing he was going to be for our family all those years ago...I love that kid!!

I should also add at this point that I love my girls also, but it isn't their birthday yet!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Better days have come!

The last two entries were so depressing...it has been a hard month here! Kyle has been sick and then I got it...now Hannah is fighting it off. BUT better days have come now!

Tomorrow is a day when our church teams up with the "Greater First Missionary Baptist Church" to have church together. It is always a great time. Tomorrow we'll have lunch afterwards- I made pinto bean with sausage AND chili. We'll have rice and cornbread to go with all of it. Should be a great day!

Monday at work, I expect to get deposits #57 and #58. That is going wonderfully. The building is almost done and we'll be moving the first 3 people in the first week in March. This thing is about to TAKE OFF!!!

Thursday is the day that Kyle and I leave for Fredricksburg. We have reservations for 2 at the Hoffman Haus... I can't wait!! We'll be gone Thursday, Friday and will return home sometime Saturday. Relaxing, antiqueing, good food, just a great time away!!

Mom and dad seem to be doing pretty well. I am really proud of them. They've been through a lot and they are handling together. Who'd've thunk it?

God...you sure are a big guy up there...taking care of all of us in your own perfect way. I am very glad for that!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I can see the finish line...

Weary week...weary week. Kyle has been sicker than well for 2 months I think. Viruses, kidney stones, working too many hours, on and on.... He is worn out. I've been doing fine until last Friday. I finally got his yucky sore throat, clogged ears, body aches, headache,snotty nose stuff. Felt bad Saturday, Sunday , Monday, stayed home Tuesday and drug myself back to work today. Now home again and trying to de-compress. There is an end in sight though...next week.

Next Thursday, we (Kyle and I) will leave for 2 1/2 day all to ourselves. No kids, no work, no worries...just each other and time! That is going to be amazing. Now, if we can just get over these colds before then!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Even keel....

Seems that I have hit this odd even keel. Always tired, always working, always behind! You would think that I would have this wife/mom/employee thing down a little better than this after so many years, but no...I don't. Here we are on Friday night. Brookshires convenience supper (too tired to cook, so I picked up rotiserre chicken and mashed potatoes), dirty house, lots of dirty laundry. Tomorrow I work again and Sunday as well. Wonder when I'll ever catch up?

You know what? It won't really matter... I am certain that when my family looks back that they won't remember the details of the dishes and the laundry. I hope that they will remember my heart and my desire to spend time where it matters most...with them.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In January???

Darn this ADD! I cannot focus...maybe it is the warm weather and sunshine that makes me feel that I am racing around with no real direction. It is January, right? Why is it 73 degrees outside? I want to be in the flowerbeds and planting Gerber Daisies, not inputting data and making phone calls!

ok...I feel a little better now...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Shall I update you?

Seems that I have laid out a few different situations on here that need a little more explanation.

  • First let's talk about work. Yesterday I took the check securing the 52nd deposit of 79. Only a dozen (13 actually) rooms left in AL, 12 in MC. Now 66% preleased!! VERY GOOD!!! I think we've even suprised the corporate office... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more deposits than the sister house that is a month ahead of us and is about to open.
  • Weight loss: Didn't weigh in this morning, but still down about 20 lbs since August. Making smart choices, limiting portions, just doing better. No meetings, no expense, just trying to be accountable to K'Lynn and myself! Ran one night last week- need to get more faithful with that.
  • My mom and dad: Believe it or not, they seem to have hit some type of even keel. Dad is trying harder, getting around a little better, doing more for himself. She seems to feel a little less put upon, started a new job, posting on FB once in a while, doing better! It feels great to know that God is working there.

Those are the main things...life is good and is really humbling right now. I watch the earthquake in Haiti and realize how much of a heart for missions my family has. I think we'd all jump on the nearest flight and go if it were just that easy. Father, be with those that can and do go. Be with the Haitians. I trust your authority and your plan. Holding onto the faith and trusting God for the details...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I want to get away!!!

So, we are going on a trip! Probably the first get away we've taken alone in...well...I don't know if we've ever done anything like this before in 27 years! No kids, no job, no phones, no adgenda...just time. Time and the open road and a quaint bed and breakfast. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am. I need this...Kyle needs this...we really need this!! We will be gone for 3 days and 2 nights. Lots of time to talk, reconnect, discover, piddle...whatever we want to do! Did I mention why and where we're going? First why: because my friend/boss Becky and I have busted our buts and beat another community in reaching 50 deposits first. Big accomplishment! Where? To Fredricksburg. We aren't German, but I hear there are antique stores there that might be fun to look in. We enjoy that together, so it will be great.

I wonder if we'll ever make it to see any antiques??? ;-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's all coming together!

So, I sell apartments to senior adults. I sell security, I sell fear, I sell "just in case"...I sell community, I sell, surrogate families, I sell a brighter future. I sell assistance - if you need it now or if you might ever need it. Sounds shady when I write it down like this, but it really isn't. I love what I do and it is nothing like selling used cars- people need what I have to offer. There are 79 apartments and so far I have sold 46 of them. Yesterday, two new team members came on board and now there are more of us to share the burden. We hope to be open by 3/1...hope that happens! It seems that it's all coming together!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't speak too soon....

The news in my last post was so great, I almost hesitated to post it. You' ve heard the phrase, "don't speak too soon"... I guess I did. Got all call from Mom on Saturday morning at 5 am. Dad had fallen out of bed. Who do I call was the question? EMS was the only answer. I wished that I could live closer to help and to watch the relationship evolve. Later that morning I called her back...I wanted to get more of the story. Instead, I heard how he had been sitting in a chair for the past few days and how she had slept for 3 days just wanting to avoid the situaiton. Old habits are hard to break, I guess. One of my prayers had been for the old demons to stay away, but they never left apparently. I must be honest...I was very sad when I talked with them that day. I had been "cautiously optomistic", but apparently this was not a reasonable emotion. I told Mom," My list of ideas for helping you guys out is growing really thin". You know, at some point you would think that a couple could just take responsibility for their own life and make this work out. Is that so hard? And as for the wedding band? Mom said she thought that Dad thought that by her buying that she was signing up to be his slave....good grief!!!

Thank you God for my precious husband and the relationship we have. I need another 80 years to be married to him...not a day less will do. He is an honorable man- I am blessed and highly favored. I do not deserve him, but I am so thankful that he tolerates me!!