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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I can see the finish line...

Weary week...weary week. Kyle has been sicker than well for 2 months I think. Viruses, kidney stones, working too many hours, on and on.... He is worn out. I've been doing fine until last Friday. I finally got his yucky sore throat, clogged ears, body aches, headache,snotty nose stuff. Felt bad Saturday, Sunday , Monday, stayed home Tuesday and drug myself back to work today. Now home again and trying to de-compress. There is an end in sight though...next week.

Next Thursday, we (Kyle and I) will leave for 2 1/2 day all to ourselves. No kids, no work, no worries...just each other and time! That is going to be amazing. Now, if we can just get over these colds before then!!

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