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Thursday, September 27, 2012

So, the boys wanted a pop up camper...

Have you ever heard how the Childress' came to be a family of 5?  It wasn't always the plan, for us to be a group of 5.  For a while, 4 seemed sufficient.  Kyle and I married so early- I was 16, he was 19. We had babies right away...22 months apart.  By the time I was 20,  I had a 3 year old and a 1 year old.  We lived across the street from Kyle's parents and had a nice little life.  I worked a little, went to school (college) a little, raised babies, and was a wife.  It was a lot of responsibility for a young gal, but God always gave me what I needed to get it all done.  Kyle was a great husband and father.  We were getting used to this little group of 4...everyone was happy.

At 24, I decided that with a 7 year old and a 5 year old, I was done having babies.  I didn't see a time in the future that I would think differently, so I made an appointment to see my favorite doctor, Dr. O'Kelley.  He had delivered both of my kids, he was a Christian, and I trusted him.  I went in, explained my situation, and asked if he would tie my tubes.  I told him that I had gotten off to an early start and that I was finished having children.  He listened, but at the end of our appointment, he told me no.  He said that he didn't feel right about being the doctor that took away my opportunity to have more children at such a young age.  He said that I was in a stable family and a stable marriage- someday I might change my mind about all of this.  I was young and non-confrontational.  I just said "Well, ok...." and went home.  I told Kyle what he said.  I told him, 'You know, I respect him.  I guess for now we will wait.".  So, we waited....

I went on to go to nursing school the next year.  I was 25, and I was still working at Atlanta Memorial as a CNA.  When I finished school, I changed shifts, became a medicaiton nurse (I was an LVN), and I was busy.  Raising older babies, working lots of hours on the night shift, riding horses, rodeos with the kiddos, church work....we were busy folks! 

One morning, I woke up with a new thought.  I had never had this thought before and had to really think about it before I spoke it out loud.  I knew in my heart what it was,though.. 

I   had    to    have    a     baby.
I had to...just like I had to breathe. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

I told Kyle finally what I was thinking.  The look of disbelief was evident on his face.  I had never asked a question  like this before.  Although it shouldn't have, becoming pregnant with K'Lynn was a complete surprise.  Ryan's pregnancy was not any more planned, but at least we were a little more settled by the time he came along.  I had never even teased about becoming pregnant in the past.  The few times my period was a little bit late, we were nervous.  No more babies....right?
Well, not exactly...

Kyle had been thinking about the next "big" purchase we would make as a family.  He had even mentioned it to me- a pop-up camper.  With a 8 year old and a 6 year old by this time, that would be a reasonable purchase.  Lots of fun hours to be spent at our favorite spots in Arkansas,  Albert Pike or Shady Lake...lots of fun period!  The idea of a new baby would really mess up that idea, I guess.  We reached a compromise...ask the kids.

The family meeting was held one evening.  No TV on (this was a serious discussion!), just the four of us sitting there talking.  Kyle presented his case first.  "What would you kids think about getting a new POP UP CAMPER???!!!  We could go to Albert Pike or the Blue Hole...we could take the 4 wheelers and have so much fun!" (to be fair...I have no idea the exact words he used, but this was close I am sure!).  Ryan was very excited about this idea.  He LOVED camping and 4 wheeling....Kyle was speaking his love language!  I could see how this was going to go.  I was up next.  I do not remember what I said either, except that I told them that I really wanted to have another baby.  I wanted to give them a baby brother or sister to love.  Simple, but heartfelt...  K'Lynn, a nurturing soul, fell in love with the idea right away.  She loved babies and this was right up her alley! 

Time to vote....
"All for the Pop Up Camper, raise your hand"

Kyle and Ryan both enthusiastically raised their hands.

"All for a new baby, raise you hand"

K'Lynn and I raised our hands....we had a tie. 

I made an executive decision.  Since I would potentially carry this baby, I thought I should vote on his or her behalf.  What would the baby want?  A pop up camper is a great idea, but if I didn't vote to have the baby it would never get to go camping anyway!  Two votes for Becky...one for K'Lynn- the girls WIN!!!

I stopped taking my birth control pills and gave Kyle a warning of the amended vote.  He wasn't a sore loser...  I think he really always wanted another baby, but wouldn't say so.  It wasn't long at all...maybe 3 months?  I found out that I was pregnant with the baby that we would come to know and love as Hannah.

We learned of her coming in March with a due date of October 8th, so it was a long and hot summer.  Even though I had delivered two babies before, Hannah fooled me with false labor several times.  My co-workers at the hospital began to think it funny how often I showed up in the ER.  She has always had a flair for the dramatic!  October 8th, I took a generous dose of castor oil about 10 pm.  Put the kids to bed and went to bed myself.  By 3 am, the kids were dropped off at MawMaw's house and Kyle and I were on our way to the hospital.

 At 8:03 am, she arrived.   Much smaller than a pop up camper, not necessarily any cheaper, and so much more rewarding.  The girls won the vote, but the family won in the long run.  I have remembered Dr. O'Kelly fondly many times over the years for standing strong in his decision not to allow me to have a tubal.  He knew, somehow, that there was another baby out there for our family.  Once I held her, I knew I was then finished having babies.  Less than an hour later, I did get that tubal.  Best decision ever.  God had completed our family with Hannah. And God has such a sense of humor....4 years later, we purchased a 32 ft bumper pull travel trailer that we enjoyed WITH Hannah for many years.   Better than any old pop up camper for sure!!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How many hats can I put on my head at one time???.

Wife, mother, employee, preacher's wife, cook, Sunday school teacher, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, sister-in-law, neighbor, Child of God, nurse,chauffer, computer expert,banker, dog owner, citizen, voter, blogger, driver, stock-holder, shopper, patient, and friend.  They are NOT in order of importance and  I am probably forgetting some of the hats I wear, but that is the main grouping.  How can I juggle all of these identities?  It gets tricky!!  Here is a sampling:

5:30- dog owner-up and out- potty trip with the two puppies
5:45-mother- woke Hannah up for See You at the Pole
6:00 computer "expert"- transferred Hannah's pics from the memory card to the computer before returning it to it's owner.
6:40- chauffer- drove Hannah to school
6:50- employee- worked on files for work
8:00- wife- helped Kyle get ready for work, got myself ready too
8:45- employee-  leave house and begin work
9:50- mother- get call from Hannah saying she is sick at school- have to take her to the doctor
10:20- employee- work from home on patient files for a while before MD appt
11:15 mother- take Hannah to the doctor
12:20- employee- to Hobby Lobby to get materials for work project
1:00- mother- take Hannah to get lunch
2:15- nurse- pick up  meds at pharmacy
2:40- mother/chauffer- take Hannah  back to school in time for volleyball practice
2:55- blogger- felt overwhelmed by the day....blogging about it now...
3:10- employee- new evaluation on patient for tomorrow.  Follow up phone calls to other work contacts.
6:15- preacher's wife- to the church for supper and then for See You At The School
8:30- mother/wife- who knows what is going to come up....

Tired yet?  Me too...  Truth is, I love this juggle.  God created me with some version of ADD (not diagnosed...just an expression!) and this keeps me entertained.  Not complaining...just reporting how my day has been.  Thankful for so much to do and so many people to love. 

Be blessed...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Looking up from below

If you have ever been in Sunday School with me, then you already know about this.  Just go ahead and  move on to the next blog, because you alreay know this illustration.  Won't hurt my feelings- I have already imparted my wisdom on you at some previous point in time.  :)

Did you ever do needlepoint?  Embroidery?  From the top, the finished product can be quite lovely.  Colors woven together, little by little, to make a scene from nature or of a house or a seaside picture.  You can truly do most anyting you can imagine on fabric with the right amount of talent and thread.  That is from the top...

From the bottom, though, it looks very different.  Same colors, same area on the  fabric, but it doesn't look the same at all.   The areas where the thread is knotted off or where the thread changed color are not as pretty.  If we only looked at the bottom, no one would appreciate needlepoint or embroidery.  It would be backwards, disjointed, and hard to understand.  Actually...that does sound a little bit like our lives at times, doesn't it?

God sees things differently than we do.  From His vantage point, our lives have order, reasoning, and a design.  From our view, however, things seem pretty messed up sometimes.  When things like death, illness,  and disappointments begin to weigh on us, we cannot understand why.  In those areas where our "thread colors change", there is a transition that isn't smooth.  This could be a tragedy, a change in job, a move...anything that makes life stop seeing normal and changes completely.  Many times we get bogged down in the details of why something happened, or how it happened.  It is easier to focus on those things, than to face the reality that life doesn't seem fair sometimes and that we don't want bad things to happen in our lives.   The only question to ask is this:  "Do you trust God?".  Do you trust the God of the universe to handle the details of your life?  From the top or from the bottom, God has a reason for all of those bad things, uncomfortable things, or impossible to explain things.  He has a reason for 'changing our thread color' through a loss or a change.  He is using all of these things to form the more complete picture visible from the top.  His plan, His design, His choice.  Our response to these things is what the world will see.    How we are viewed by others will determine if Matthew 5:16 will be true in our lives our not.  "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."  

God, give me eyes to imagine the view from the top- Your view of my life.  Help me to be patient when I don't understand.  Help me to be woven into the lives of others in such a way that You are glorified.  Help me not to get bogged down in the details that I see from 'down here' and to understand that You are in control.  

Be blessed....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The building blocks of a new life

My mother has been creating a new life for herself.  Piece by piece, moment by moment, and soon board by board.  She is putting things in place to begin again.

She came to live with me last June.  She had just left the hospital and was pretty fragile.  She needed to be accepted.  She needed encouragement.  She needed to realize that she mattered in the world.  The family at Anderson Baptist Church embraced her, loved on her, asked about how she was doing, and gave her a purpose thought her job at the dayschool.  She became known as Grandma, not only to the children, but to everyone.  There is something endearing about that name.  Makes one feel automatically loved just a little more than if they used your given name only.  If I go to the trouble of calling someone a name like that, it is because I care.  I think she realized that and somehow drew strength from it.  She began to teach Sunday School again, which filled a hole that we had at the church, but also filled a hole that she had in her soul.  She has been a teacher her whole life.  She is the best Sunday School teacher a kid could have in so many ways.  It is an outlet for her, a way to pass along her love for the bible and for our God.  She is not affectionate or 'touchy-feely' by nature, but in this way she connects.  She also began working with the after school kids at the dayschool.  Challenging at times, but it gave her a purpose.  She had more pseudo-grandchildren through this and that felt good.  God was begining to put the pieces in place for her to find purpose and community.

A few weeks ago, an empty lot became available around the corner from our house.  Closed, sealed bids were submitted.  A total of 4 were received.  Each of the close by neighbors put in bids, hoping to keep the land from being used by someone that would just 'stick a trailer house on it'.  That doesn't really fit with the historic feel of our town, so I would agree on that point.  Mom's bid was the highest, and we were all so excited to have a new land-owner in our home.  She was initally excited at first also, but then then I think she became nervous.  Living here in my house has been temporary, but to own land of her own was much more permanent.  She had to go back to Queen City because my dad got worse.  I know it was confusing for her to be there, in her home that she had worked so hard to maintain for the past 39 years.  She called one day and told me that this was  her kitchen, her living room, her home...in her voice I heard such conflict.  She needed to have release from that place.  She was able to live there by herself, sure, but was this the right and best thing for her to do?  Out the window would go those that called her Grandma.  No place for her to serve at her old church...those spots had been filled in her 15 month absence.  A house filled with memories that were often painful, just to live there alone?  I was so worried that she would decide to stay.  I struggled with allowing her to be the adult that she is, to give her the room to choose on her own, to respect the position she had earned in life from 68 years of living it.  I tried not to push to hard, but I know that I failed at times.  It was the most odd position I have found myself in to date.  Child, but directing the parent...no fun at all.

She called me after being there for several days with my dad to say "I am coming home...I am just tired of being here".   This was music to my ears.  I felt that God had given her some type of release.  Kyle had begun to work with Travis on her lot. Mom had already spent hours there, cleaning, sweating and planning.  With Travis' bulldozer, her plans moved more quickly.  They cleared and burned the lot.  The visions of  what could be became more clear.  The ideas of how it would look and where things would go were flowing.  Excitement began to build again!

Yesterday, we went to Warrenton.  We had already shopped for a while when I rounded a corner and found it.  The cutest gas stove (1920's) that I had seen in a while...a great price and in great shape.  I tried to think about where I might be able to use it...no, no need for it really.  I called Kyle to tell him about it.  He agreed that there was no place or need for it.  He did say, "But your mom might consider it for her house..."  I called Mom over, she saw it and began to think about it.  We asked the man about it and he dropped the price by $75 right away.  More discussion...and then a purchase!!  It will be the focal point of the kitchen.  It will actually be the thing that it all gets built around.  Exciting!!

On the way home, we made another stop and she found a metal cabinet that might go with it.  Later, we got the idea to possibly include an old fridge as a cabinet.  The boards and nails will come soon, but until then- planning.  So many ideas, so much hope!

What are the building blocks that can form a new life?  I have found in this case that they are a church that loves you, children, a dayschool, a plot of land, and an antique stove.  God can use anything He would like to to rebuild.   So thankful for a God with a plan like that.  Jeremiah 29:11 says " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  My mom is living proof of this!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Of friends and family...

Friends and family- the two things that I am convinced God created to complete us (other than our relationship with Him).  Family, some very close, some painfully distant.  Friends, people that God sent to interact with us for seasons.  No one knows why someone suddenly comes into another's life.  Chance meetings that are anything but form the foundation for a lifetime of friendship.  Intersections that God ordained are seeminly innocent at the time, neither party realizing what the future holds.  Family is different.  God clearly lines up children with parents.  Birth is a real intersection, visible to the world.

After saying this, I reflect back to when I met Kyle.  A hot July night in  1983 that seemed different from the start.  From the time I saw him walk into the skating rink, I knew he was special.  When I met him later that night, I knew after talking to him for only a few minutes that he was everything I thought I wanted at 14.  So, while I mention intersections that seem innocent and neither party realizes their gravity, I must admit that this wasn't true for me.  I remember saying to friends at the time that I was going to marry that guy.  I was right.

I have friends that I know God sent me for a reason at a particular point in my life when I would need them.  Not all have remained in my life, but I know that for that time, I was supposed to be there.  I think back to high school friends- so important at the time, so invisible to me now other than Facebook.  People from our early married life that have taken such different paths, now no longer a part of my life in any real way.  Work friends that I became close with through circumstance...so many of them whose names I struggle to remember.  And friends collected over the years from the different churches we have served in or attended...I do remember more of these, but still don't stay in contact  very well with them.  The people I would count as true friends...lifelong friends- they come from a variety of places.  They have the common tie of our faith in Christ- that is foundational.  Proverbs 18:24 says, "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family".  I think that explains why those are still in our lives.  True friends...with whom you have connections that don't make sense to others and that is ok.  These are also those friends that you don't keep score with-  who called last, who texted first, who had the other one over for supper, who invited the other to the movies or shopping last...you get the idea.  I have a couple of these friends, but only a couple.  Friends  that you can call or email or visit once a day, once a week, or even once a year and the quality of the relationship doesn't suffer.  This is special.  This is rare...

If you are reading this and think you are one of those speical friends, you most likely are.  You  know me well enough be reading my blog, you care enough to read it, and  you know we are close.  I appreciate and value this friendship so much!!  If you know this isn't you (because you stumbled upon this blog and don't know me at all, perhaps!), then think to those that  you are friends with.  Be that true  friend.  You are valuable in the life of those that love you.  Be that close and true friend.  Someone out there loves  you and needs you.  Thinking of friends and family....some of God's greatest gifts to us here on earth.  

Be blessed....

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The class...

So, I mentioned that I was going to teach a women's Sunday School class.  Today was the first day.  I made 9 copies of our material.  I wondered if I would be throwing away 6 of them.  I thought, 'Maybe 3 or 4...that would be a good number to start with."  I underestimated God...as usual.

The early service was full.  I was hopeful that a few of the ladies would come to my class, but I wasn't sure.  I was overwhelmed by how God  brought 4 new members into our body.  I always cry when people come forward.  It's that empathy thing I have described before.  I was so happy for a couple that had made the decision to follow Christ and to nail down the decision today publicly.  I was also happy for a young lady that works in our daycare who came forward along with her mother. Both were coming from another Baptist church.  We were very blessed by their decisions.

I made my way to the room we were to have Sunday School in.  The youth were not finished in the room we were to meet in yet, so I sat across the hall in a larger room the youth meet in for opening assembly.  One lady came in and we talked until the youth left the "purple" room.  We walked across the hall, and within minutes there were a lot of ladies there!  Total by the end was 14!!  Not all of them will be there weekly, but most should be.

We talked about so many things that were relevant to life.  The ladies shared, laughed and even cried a little bit.  I promised that next week we would have Kleenex, because I think the sharing will continue.  So thankful for the ladies that came, so excited about the bonds being formed.  God is working here...Proud to be a small part of His plans!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sibling rivalry

Think siblings have to be born from the same womb to have a rivalry?  I assure you this is not a requirement.  Let me explain...

Lucy has lived here for the past 22 months or so.  She has slept in my bed almost every night in those almost two years.  She eats from my plate, kisses me on the face, and protects me no matter what.  She has had one brother in her life and one sister.  Lucky was her 'brother' and Ryan's dog Macks is her 'sister'.  With Lucky's passing in June and Mack's departure earlier this week,  Lucy was alone.  I detailed this history in my last entry, so I won't totally rehash it.  God provided a partener for her yesterday named Cooper.  This is where the rivalry begins...

The first few hours, they got along well.  Last night, Cooper slept in Hannah's room- in her bed actually.  Lucy maintained her usual place in my bed and life was pretty normal.  This morning at 4:30, she could wait no longer.  She got me up and led me straight to Hannah's door.  She wanted to see Cooper.

They played together today, inside the house and out in the yard.  They ran, they fought, they rolled, they wrestled.  They had a great day.  When I got home tonight, the rivalry was more apparent.  Cooper couldn't get near me without Lucy sticking her body in the middle of it.  Cooper couldn't go to sit with Grandma unless Lucy did.  Cooper wanted to be somewhere, but Lucy decided she needed to be there more.  Such a typical little sister!!  Funny thing is, she is not a little sister.   She is older and has been here longer.  She could ease his transition and make him feel at home, but she will not.  It is  in her nature to not allow him to take any postition that she might have ever had or might ever want.  Selfish!

You know, we are all a little like Lucy if we are honest.   A little jealous of the new puppy, worried someone else might take our place in the world.   This rivalry between us and other sometimes leads to problems.   If Lucy were more confident in her relationship with me, she would come to realize that she will always be my first born (bought) puppy.   She will always be my puppy girl!  She has nothing to be intimidated by!  I love Cooper too, but not more.  Hope we can work out this thing between these two soon!! Until then, I am glad to play referee between the two.  Thankful they are both here!

Friday, September 7, 2012

God totally knew...

If there was ever any doubt that God knew me completely and totally, He erased that doubt for me tonight.

This has been a tough summer for dogs in my house.  Ryan's dog  Macks left on Monday.  Returned to Alabama, back home with her ""Daddy" Ryan.  Our sweet 10 year old Jack Russell Lucky, of course, passed away in June.  This left our little cockapoo Lucy- she has been so lonely.  She has moped around and has been very clingy.  I have prayed about how I could afford to get another dog for her.  I did not know  how I would be able to justify the expense of another animal, but I knew Lucy needed a partner. I did not know how, but God did.

I went to Hannah's ballgame tonight in Burton.  Before the game started, I got into the stands and thought, "I wonder if there are any cockapoo puppies on Craigslist??"  My cell signal was horrible there, but I was able to pull up the page.  There were only 7 cockapoos listed.  4 of them were acutally people looking for cockapoos, 3 were puppies looking for a home.  The first one was a new entry- a cute dog, but too far away.  The second dog was from earlier in the week, so I wondered if it would even be available.  When I opened the ad, there was a picture.  It looked EXACTLY like LUCY!!  I read the ad, seemed legitimate, so I emailed the lady.  I told her why I was looking for a new one and asked if hers was still available.  Within 10 minutes, I got a call from an unknown number.  I answered and it was the owner.  We talked for a while about her dog and why she was having to let him go.  Bad news was that she had already probably found a home for him.  She said that she was supposed to go meet an prospective buyer and her daughter in an hour.  The lady's daugther was "wishy-washy" about what type of dog she wanted and if she even wanted one at all.  If it didn't work out, she promised that she would call me. 

I decided that I wanted this dog.  Crazy thought, since I knew almost nothing about him, but I still felt that was.   I decided to make her want to sell me her dog.  I was not even sure how much he cost, but I felt drawn to him.  I had her cell number, so I texted her a picture of my Lucy.  "Here is our Lucy- hope to get to meet your little boy someday soon!"  Apparently, that did it!  She began to text me back, sending an updated pic of her dog.  She said his name was Cooper and he was 7 months old. He is potty trained, he sleeps in their bed, etc...``` Within an hour, she texted back "We can meet you tomorrow in Hempstead if you would like to.  Wait!  This is moving very fast!  What about the other buyer?  Well, ok- if we are meeting, tonight actually works out better...they agreed!   We evenually agreed to meet in Hempstead later that night. 

All the way there, we talked about this new dog.  Hannah was very skeptical.  She has never liked Lucy and has not lied about that.  She didn't want me to get her and has resented her ever since.  When Molly died (Lucy's half sister, we had her first and she was run over by a car), Hannah  took it very hard.  I had hopes that the next dog would be 'hers'.  It is a wonderful thing, to love an animal.  Not everyone can do this.  Not everyone wants to. 

We waited for the family to arrive at the arranged location.  They were a little late.  Kyle joked that they weren't coming at all, that they were actually at our house robbing us.  Eventually they arrived , though and we all got out of the cars.  The mom's name was Sherry.  She was in the front seat with Cooper.  He looked so much like Lucy it was amazing!  Exact same coloring, almost identical in size, just like siblings!  She got out of the truck and Cooper came right to me.  He laid on the ground as I began to rub his belly.  He loved that, just like Lucy does!  He was so friendly.  He was excited to see us, as though he knew who we were.  We talked with the owners, Sherry and Patrick for almost half an hour.  They were unable to keep him because they both work so much.  Their daughter just left for college, and no one was at home with Cooper at all during the day or most of the evenings.  They knew that this social little puppy needed friends- exactly Lucy's problem!  It seemed like such a God thing that I would find her ad and we would meet within a couple of hours of that!  When Patrick was talking to us about Cooper, he got all misty eyed and had to excuse himself to the back of the truck for a few minutes.  They loved this dog, and were sad to leave it with us.  I had wondered how much they wanted for this sweet dog.  Most Craigslist folks ask for a 'rehoming' fee, so I expected one.  Her ad even said the dog was 'for sale', but no price was listed.  Near the end of our time together, I said "Well, I couldn't figure out from the ad how much you were asking for Cooper?"  Patrick said  "Just that he goes to a good home".  I almost cried!  I told Sherry that I had been praying about how I could get Lucy a partner without breaking our budget.  I explained FPU and how we were trying to become debt free.  I told her that they were an answer to prayer.  They seemed happy to be used by God this way.   I asked "What about the lady you were supposed to have met with Cooper earlier tonight?"  She told me that when her husband got home and she explained the situation, he immediately said, "No, we will go meet the family with Lucy.  Cooper needs a friend."  God interveined for us and kept her from meeting the other lady.  This seemed ordained!  Having nothing left to discuss,  we said our good byes and left. 

Cooper rode home with us.  He was delightful.  He sat in Hannah's lap most of the way.  We got home and he met Lucy.  Grandma had just gotten home from a trip, so Cooper was a surprise to her too.  They were playful, and figured out that they liked each other- a lot!!  They played in the house for almost an hour before Hannah went to bed.  Cooper went with her.  I put him in her bed and he snuggled right up to her.  He laid his head down and went right to sleep.  So sweet!!

God totally knew how He was going to work this all out.  I feel so honored that He loves me enough to know that I needed Cooper- that WE needed Cooper.  Welcome to the family Cooper- we love you  already!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Kids List- a note from my FB page....

God has entrusted Kyle and I with 3 birth children. K'Lynn, Ryan and Hannah are the three that Kyle and I acutally went to the hosptial, paid the bill for, and brought home in little blankets. They are the ones that rode in our cars as babies in carseats, the ones that we changed the diapers of, and the ones that look just like us. We are honored that they are ours, proud of their accomplishments, thankful for their health and excited about their futures. Three is a good number...but not the whole number though.

Over the years, there were others added to the Kids List. Some were just in our home for an evening or two. Others stayed for months or even years. A few were (are!) there faithfully after school, maybe after practice or until Mom got off work. Many were youth goup members from OHBC, GEBC or Hempstead. Some were actually family, but others have become family. Not all of them came to actually live in our house, but we interacted wtih them the same. I grew to think of them as my own children. More kids than we gave birth to, but exactly the number God had for us. The feelings we have for those "kids" lingers even to today. Their children seem like our grands. Their spouses seem like extentions of the family even more.

Today, we are still adding to the Kids List. Friends of our children, kids from church, kids from the school...the list grows. In the future, the list will include those that our children will marry and then they will start their own lists. Tagged here are only a few of the 'kids' (I am sure I forgot some...I am old and can't remember as well as I used to be able to!). If you are tagged, you are one of our other 'kids'. Not the original 3, but included. It's kind of like the saying "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could". You weren't born to us, but we added you to the list as soon as we met you. Even if we don't see each other,we think of you and pray for you and your families. Love you all...welcome to the family!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I am chosen...

Sunday marks a new chapter in my life as a preacher's wife.  I will be teaching a women's Sunday School class.  Women of all ages have been invited to join this newly formed class.  It goes along with the new "flip-flop" service schedule.  I am acually pretty excited about the whole thing.

The first chapter of the study we are doing (http://www.lifeway.com/Product/duty-or-delight-knowing-where-you-stand-with-god-member-book-P005429354) talks about how we, as women, listen to the lies of Satan.   Those lies we have all heard, such as "you aren't good enough", "You will always really be alone",  "You aren't pretty enough, smart enough, ________enough".  We have heard them, and we have fallen for them.  

The take away from this very first section is "I AM CHOSEN".  It is based on Ephesians 1:4, where we read "For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight.".  He chose me.

The study says that in the next few weeks we will learn how to put our feet down and stop putting up with what we've been putting up with.  It's time for the condenmation to stop.  It's time for the guilt to stop.  It's time for the prayerlessness to stop.  It's time for the fear to stop.  It's time for all those false expectations to stop.  It's time you enjoyed your God.  I could sure use some of that!!

I feel nervous about teaching this class, but I am convicted in the very begining of the study NOT to feel that way!  So, since I am chosen...I will teach.  Join me if you want to...11 am on Sundays.  It should be a lot of fun!!

The new normal...

The family was all here over the weekend, as I previously mentioned.  With the departure of Ryan, Courtney and Macks, we have now begun to settle into the new normal.  Lucy is an only puppy now. She is even more needy than before.  She sleeps right in between Kyle and I every night.  She sits outside the door of any room I go into until I come out.  She whines a lot when we are out of her sight.  She has really begun to realize that she is alone,  dog-wise, anyway.

Lucky died in June.  It was not that hard to work through at the time, with so much going on with Lucy and Macks.  A busy summer helped to keep that grief at bay also, but now it seems much more real.  Lucy feels it, I am begining to.  Lucky was such a great housemate for Lucy.  He put up with her silly puppy antics.  He let her jump all over him (literally!) and played back when he felt like it.  He was much more relaxed than Lucy.  He did not feel the need to chase grasshoppers or squirrels, but watched her do it in his relaxed way.  He let her eat first, let her have the biggest rawhides, and occassionally let her know who was really in charge.  They were great to watch together and he was a great big brother.  He was tired, though.  He was worn out from being sick for so long.   He died suddenly and is buried down the hill in back of the church under a big tree.  He is buried near Molly, Lucy's half sister, that died the week before we got Lucy.  He rests there peacefully, I am sure.

So, this is the new normal- for now.  I can definetely see a time when there are two dogs here again.  It could be soon...I am unsure.  I don't know where I want to look to find one.  Many voices are  weighing in on how I should only go to the pound or a rescue. I am not opposed to this, but want to make sure it is right for us.  Kyle will continue to take care of our Lucy during the day for a while.  She will continue to get a little more attention than normal, the old normal anyway!  Grandma is gone to East Texas while Grandpa has his hip removed.  Lucy will be so glad to have her home next week so that she won't be so alone.  Hope this isn't the new normal for long!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The weekend...

What an amazing weekend!  Ryan and Courtney were here, K'Lynn was here, Debbie and the boys were here,  Madeline and Travis were here, Kalem and Erik were here, Kristi and Caroline were here, Carson was here, Trisha was here, Andrew and Kim were here and even little Audra was here a couple of times.  It was such a mixture of family and friends that the lines were almost non-existent.  These friends and family are our family. These are the ones we want to spend time with when we have fun things going on.  Ryan and Courtney traveled the farthest, 12 hours.  Debbie was next, about 2 hours, tied with K'Lynn.  Kristi came over an hour and Travis and Madeline just less than an hour.  Everyone coming together for a celebration of....each other!  It was Labor Day weekend, but it wasn't about that.  It was a celebration of Ryan and Courtney coming home really.   The trip was functional- for them to pick up Macks, but everyone here was just excited that they were coming!  Saturday was a huge meal of fried pork chops, rice and gravy, greens, cornbread, carrots, homemade chocolate cake and ice cream.  Sunday was almost a repeat for lunch and sauce picante for supper.  The food was good, the fellowship was great.  It was almost overwhelming at times, having so many people that have so much to say all together in the house at once.  It was too hot to be outside, so we gathered inside.  The AC was doing all it could, but it was still stuffy at times.   The fans were working and we were thankful for them!

This morning, Ryan and Courtney packed up the car, along with Macks, and headed back to Birmingham.  I miss them already.  I look forward to the holidays when I am sure we will see them again.  Sure enjoyed the weekend, though....