We had a visit this weekend. Well, we had several, actually. Some visits were short, others were longer. Some brought joy, some brought laughter. Some ended with hugs and some ended with promises of return. Visits with friends, visits with family, visits with church members, visits with neighbors...so much community!
I have lived in places where I was rarely visited. Places where I knew people, but did not have 'come over to the house' kind of friends. We have often lived such fast lives that we rarely visited in the homes of others. In turn, we rarely invited others into ours. How sad! Since coming to Anderson and moving into the parsonage, we have invited numerous families into our home for a meal or a movie. Sometimes it is a scheduled thing, other times it is very impromptu. Sometimes we have people over for Sunday lunch, other times we have groups over for a celebration. Don't need a formal reason to celebrate. Recently, we had more than 20 people in our home just because Ryan and Courtney came home to get their dog Macks!
Opening your home can be uncomfortable sometimes. At our house, it takes a real effort to make sure the house is "clean enough" to have others over. My sweet husband doesn't ever mind having company over- it just means the place will get spruced up a little more! I try to remember that "clean enough" is a relative term. My idea of that is very different than someone else's idea would be. I get worried about keeping doors closed to the rooms that are not company ready. I worry about how guests will react to my puppies. I worry that my idea of clutter on my cabinets will appear messy to someone else. I wonder if people will look at the display of photo frames I have and notice just how much dust actually covers the glass....I worry more about all of these things than I concentrate on the ministry that is actually being done.
Ministry can happen over a meal. Investing in another family's life is always a good idea. Build this into your calendar and into your budget. In reality, cooking for 8 is not that different than cooking for your usual 4 or 6. No leftovers, but lots of memories! The relationships that I have and treasure most have been nurtured by nights of fellowship.
Jump in...buy an extra chicken and fry it up! Approach that new family at church on Sunday or Wednesday and ask them what they are doing for lunch next Sunday. Everyone eats- let them know you will feed them and that you are interested in their lives. I challenge you...just watch what a difference it will make in the relationship you have with them. Our church (global) needs to have more visits. Be the change you want to see. So....what are you doing for lunch on Sunday???
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