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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gosh, I hope this isn't too personal...

I must confess something.  I have been married for 27 years.  I have a husband that loves me and we work through lots of issues to remain happy and successfully married.  We do struggle in one main area...our sox life.  There, I said it.  We have a major incompatibility when it comes to sox.  I know...it is very personal, but I have to share this.

Grandma does most of the laundry here now days.  I do some, but she is the main washer, dryer and folder of all things cloth.  She places the laundry on the living room table and it is up to each of us to take them to our rooms and put them away.  It is a huge help, but there is one flaw- sox.  She stacks them all neatly and many times even matches them up.  It is here where the problem begins.  I take them to my room and put them away...sometimes...and only if they are matched and folded together.  All of the rest I put into the big striped laundry bag.  This is a bag we have had for a while.  From time to time, I work to match up all of the sox.  We go from a very large bag of assorted sox to a basket full of matched and folded together sox.  If all of the laundry is done and those are all sorted, then what is left should be  thrown away, right?  Well, that is Kyle's theory anyway.  I do not subscribe to this, though, and they stay.  Almost empty bag to an increasingly full bag...this is our pattern again and again.  Now, we get to the real problem...

Morning after morning, Kyle asks where the matched sox are.  There are always some in his drawer, but these are never the brand, style, color or texture that he is looking for.  If there are black short ones, he needs white tall ones.  If there are white tall ones handy,  then he "needs" brown thin dress ones.  His needs and what is available never match up.  Today this was the conversation.  He needed white short ones, but there were none to be found.  Once again, the big striped laundry bag got dumped onto the bed so that we could sort through them and find a pair.  If I had a nickel for every time that I dumped that bag out...I could likely go on a nice vacation or something.  Kyle said "I am really struggling in one area of my life right now...my sox life".  It was so comical that we both began to laugh!  I wondered how I could share the funny joke and thought of this format.  I hope I didn't shock anyone with these intimate details...just being real, I guess!

Be blessed!!

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