Life is full of weights and counter weights,good times and bad times, balances and dances. A spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down, a dose of honey to catch the flies with rather than vinegar... We spend so much time saying the right things to balance out the harder things that must be said. It is a skill set really. My father in law says that you need the ability to pat someone on the back and kick them in the butt at the same time. Here is where I am today...
In my life, I feel that I spend a lot of time appologizing or aggonizing over how I said something, when I said it, that I said it at all... In other words, I find myself in trouble due to my tongue a lot. Do I share this detail? Was that spoken in confidence? What would it mean to this person if I told them this informion? Harmful? Helpful? How will this sound? Will this be mis-interrpreted? Get the idea??
I find this to be true in work, church and family life. Guess I could worry about this less if I cared less about what people thought. Designed by God with an overdose of empathy, though, would prohibit this. As you are reading this, you might wonder if I really am being honest. If you know me and have been on the other end of my sharp tongue or poor judgement, you may find it hard to believe that I worry about this. I do, but I know it doesn't keep me from 'shooting off my mouth'. I sent Hannah a text message yesterday that Siri typed for me. I was busy, it is true, but it was way too abrupt. I would normally 'balance' my short answer and lack of time with a smiley face or something to soften the message. Siri does not. Hannah asked me last night if Siri typed that message for me. I asked why? She said "Because it came across much harsher than you probably meant for it to." Ouch...this is exactly why I :-) and ;-) my way through text messages and emails! Winkies and smiles are a little juvenille, but they soften our very black and white email/texting world.
So, I guess I will continue to dance...sure hope I don't step on any toes!
Be blessed!
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