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Monday, November 12, 2012

Back in time: September 27, 1985

((I have often told people that when I got married and we were trying to figure out how to pay for a baby, no one ever said the word "Medicaid" to me.  I maintain that this was the very BEST thing that happened to us during that time.  We learned to pull together, pay for our own way, and trust God to help us get through.  The dollar amounts in this entry make me smile...it was so long ago and money was so different then.  Minimum wage was about $3.35, so the thought of making $7 was huge!!.))

As we drove to Atlanta, all we could think about was "How are we going to pay for this child?"  Super figures ran though our heads, $2000, $2500 or more.  We have no insurance, so we are responsible for the full amount.  Kyle has been working for his grandmother, but how long would that hold out?

After we arrived at the doctor's office and filled out the necessary papers, we were told we had to discuss our method of payment with the insurance lady.  We sat down in her office and she began to explain the charges.  $385 for the doctor, due by the 7th month.  An additional $950 was due also by the 7th month to the hospital.  There would also be a $12 office charge during each visit.  Not counting the $12 office charges, that was a grand total of $1335.  Over the next four months, that is $333.75/month.  We were really relieved that it was only $1335, but the fact that it is due in only 4 months is what is scary.

From now on, our family ( of 2 1/2) is going on a strict budget.  We have to or we'll never get everyone paid off.

One glimmer of hope, though.  The doctor said "April 14" and I am doing fine.  As a matter of fact, I've only thrown up twice this whole week!  Also, Kyle and his dad are about to go back into contracting (which is their first love) and Kyle is supposed to make $6-$7/hour.  It's a big improvement over the $4-$5/hr he has been making, so we might just make it after all!

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