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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Back in time: November 15 and December 6, 1985

November 15, 1985:
I finally feel like a real mother!!  On Saturday, November 9th, 1985, my baby finally moved!!  It felt like a little foot or hand was pushed up, no bigger than the size of my thumb.  It stayed there for a minut and then subsided.  Later that evening, I could feel it turning around in it's confined quarters, trying to find a comfortable position.

Kyle can't feel it yet, but he did feel a foot or hand the other day as it pressed against the wall of my stomach.  He feels a little more like a "Daddy" now too I think.  Now when I am away from Kyle, I don't mind it quite so much.  I know the baby is there and it's almost as good..  It is really strange carrying a child inside me that is  really and truly alive.  It seems like that since it can move, it needs to be out and in the world.  I can't wait until it finally is here.

I paid off the doctor yesterdy and made a $100 down payment at the hospital.  That leaves a balance of $850 which can be pain in the next 6 weeks.  i'm not sure how we'll do it, but we'll have the money.

We bought a car yesterday.  Actually, we sold Kyle's old '57 Chevy truck to a guy in Atlanta for his 1980 LTD and $450.  The car is in really nice shape and doesn't seem  to have much wrong with it.  It'll be a family car and Kyle will keep the Mustange to play with.

The baby is moving again!  Now I'm a mom!  (or at least as much of a mom as I can be at this stage of the game!)

December 6, 1985:
My test scores really surprised me!  I wonder how well my friends did in Queen City?  I also wonder if I would have done as well if I had still been going to Queen City.  There, I wasn't a 'stupid' kid, but I walso wasn't the smartest.  Although I maintained A's and a few B's, I still felt inferior around those who were a little smarter than I .  I guess going here has helped my grades int that I don't feel that I am fighting an uphill battle.  There is very little competition (only 7 or 8 people compared to 128!) and I really feel that I have an edge for once!

The baby has been moving quite a bit lately.  Kyle, who didn't think too much about it at first, is begining to become excited at the thought of a son or daugher of his very own.

We are still planning on going to my grandma's for Christmas with my family provided that the LTD will make it.  It needs some work done on it, but I think it will be ok.

We bought a new TV last Tuesday (12-3).  It is a 19" color Hitachi It was $329.89 on sale which was a little more than I had planned on spending, but it will be our Christmas.  Before that we were watching a little 12' black and white job that  was in pretty bad shape.  Kyle has really enjoyed not having to s t rain his eyes to see what was on.  I can't wait until tomorrow to watch cartoons in full color!!  (Yes, at 16 3/4 years old, pregnan and married, I still watch cartoons!!))

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