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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Kids List- a note from my FB page....

God has entrusted Kyle and I with 3 birth children. K'Lynn, Ryan and Hannah are the three that Kyle and I acutally went to the hosptial, paid the bill for, and brought home in little blankets. They are the ones that rode in our cars as babies in carseats, the ones that we changed the diapers of, and the ones that look just like us. We are honored that they are ours, proud of their accomplishments, thankful for their health and excited about their futures. Three is a good number...but not the whole number though.

Over the years, there were others added to the Kids List. Some were just in our home for an evening or two. Others stayed for months or even years. A few were (are!) there faithfully after school, maybe after practice or until Mom got off work. Many were youth goup members from OHBC, GEBC or Hempstead. Some were actually family, but others have become family. Not all of them came to actually live in our house, but we interacted wtih them the same. I grew to think of them as my own children. More kids than we gave birth to, but exactly the number God had for us. The feelings we have for those "kids" lingers even to today. Their children seem like our grands. Their spouses seem like extentions of the family even more.

Today, we are still adding to the Kids List. Friends of our children, kids from church, kids from the school...the list grows. In the future, the list will include those that our children will marry and then they will start their own lists. Tagged here are only a few of the 'kids' (I am sure I forgot some...I am old and can't remember as well as I used to be able to!). If you are tagged, you are one of our other 'kids'. Not the original 3, but included. It's kind of like the saying "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could". You weren't born to us, but we added you to the list as soon as we met you. Even if we don't see each other,we think of you and pray for you and your families. Love you all...welcome to the family!!

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