Have you ever heard how the Childress' came to be a family of 5? It wasn't always the plan, for us to be a group of 5. For a while, 4 seemed sufficient. Kyle and I married so early- I was 16, he was 19. We had babies right away...22 months apart. By the time I was 20, I had a 3 year old and a 1 year old. We lived across the street from Kyle's parents and had a nice little life. I worked a little, went to school (college) a little, raised babies, and was a wife. It was a lot of responsibility for a young gal, but God always gave me what I needed to get it all done. Kyle was a great husband and father. We were getting used to this little group of 4...everyone was happy.
At 24, I decided that with a 7 year old and a 5 year old, I was done having babies. I didn't see a time in the future that I would think differently, so I made an appointment to see my favorite doctor, Dr. O'Kelley. He had delivered both of my kids, he was a Christian, and I trusted him. I went in, explained my situation, and asked if he would tie my tubes. I told him that I had gotten off to an early start and that I was finished having children. He listened, but at the end of our appointment, he told me no. He said that he didn't feel right about being the doctor that took away my opportunity to have more children at such a young age. He said that I was in a stable family and a stable marriage- someday I might change my mind about all of this. I was young and non-confrontational. I just said "Well, ok...." and went home. I told Kyle what he said. I told him, 'You know, I respect him. I guess for now we will wait.". So, we waited....
I went on to go to nursing school the next year. I was 25, and I was still working at Atlanta Memorial as a CNA. When I finished school, I changed shifts, became a medicaiton nurse (I was an LVN), and I was busy. Raising older babies, working lots of hours on the night shift, riding horses, rodeos with the kiddos, church work....we were busy folks!
One morning, I woke up with a new thought. I had never had this thought before and had to really think about it before I spoke it out loud. I knew in my heart what it was,though..
I had to have a baby.
I had to...just like I had to breathe. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
I told Kyle finally what I was thinking. The look of disbelief was evident on his face. I had never asked a question like this before. Although it shouldn't have, becoming pregnant with K'Lynn was a complete surprise. Ryan's pregnancy was not any more planned, but at least we were a little more settled by the time he came along. I had never even teased about becoming pregnant in the past. The few times my period was a little bit late, we were nervous. No more babies....right?
Well, not exactly...
Kyle had been thinking about the next "big" purchase we would make as a family. He had even mentioned it to me- a pop-up camper. With a 8 year old and a 6 year old by this time, that would be a reasonable purchase. Lots of fun hours to be spent at our favorite spots in Arkansas, Albert Pike or Shady Lake...lots of fun period! The idea of a new baby would really mess up that idea, I guess. We reached a compromise...ask the kids.
The family meeting was held one evening. No TV on (this was a serious discussion!), just the four of us sitting there talking. Kyle presented his case first. "What would you kids think about getting a new POP UP CAMPER???!!! We could go to Albert Pike or the Blue Hole...we could take the 4 wheelers and have so much fun!" (to be fair...I have no idea the exact words he used, but this was close I am sure!). Ryan was very excited about this idea. He LOVED camping and 4 wheeling....Kyle was speaking his love language! I could see how this was going to go. I was up next. I do not remember what I said either, except that I told them that I really wanted to have another baby. I wanted to give them a baby brother or sister to love. Simple, but heartfelt... K'Lynn, a nurturing soul, fell in love with the idea right away. She loved babies and this was right up her alley!
Time to vote....
"All for the Pop Up Camper, raise your hand"
Kyle and Ryan both enthusiastically raised their hands.
"All for a new baby, raise you hand"
K'Lynn and I raised our hands....we had a tie.
I made an executive decision. Since I would potentially carry this baby, I thought I should vote on his or her behalf. What would the baby want? A pop up camper is a great idea, but if I didn't vote to have the baby it would never get to go camping anyway! Two votes for Becky...one for K'Lynn- the girls WIN!!!
I stopped taking my birth control pills and gave Kyle a warning of the amended vote. He wasn't a sore loser... I think he really always wanted another baby, but wouldn't say so. It wasn't long at all...maybe 3 months? I found out that I was pregnant with the baby that we would come to know and love as Hannah.
We learned of her coming in March with a due date of October 8th, so it was a long and hot summer. Even though I had delivered two babies before, Hannah fooled me with false labor several times. My co-workers at the hospital began to think it funny how often I showed up in the ER. She has always had a flair for the dramatic! October 8th, I took a generous dose of castor oil about 10 pm. Put the kids to bed and went to bed myself. By 3 am, the kids were dropped off at MawMaw's house and Kyle and I were on our way to the hospital.
At 8:03 am, she arrived. Much smaller than a pop up camper, not necessarily any cheaper, and so much more rewarding. The girls won the vote, but the family won in the long run. I have remembered Dr. O'Kelly fondly many times over the years for standing strong in his decision not to allow me to have a tubal. He knew, somehow, that there was another baby out there for our family. Once I held her, I knew I was then finished having babies. Less than an hour later, I did get that tubal. Best decision ever. God had completed our family with Hannah. And God has such a sense of humor....4 years later, we purchased a 32 ft bumper pull travel trailer that we enjoyed WITH Hannah for many years. Better than any old pop up camper for sure!!
i love reading your blog Mrs becky. gives me something to read at night along with all the other things i read. thank you for sharing your blog