My dad said he hated to see us go to such a "dead end town"...good thing is I never have taken much stock in his advice. God opened doors so quickly for us to get here that it was undeniable what His plan was. As always ( I am proud to say), we obediently walked down the path He illuminated. Who could have known where it would lead us?
Moving to Anderson, TX was risky in some ways. Small town, first pastorate for Kyle, away from family (again...but we've done this before!),a hurricain 3 weeks after I arrived... so many changes. It would have been easy to get hung up on those details, but instead God gave me such peace about it all. Returning to familiar friends since we're so close to Hempstead has made all of this a richer experience. Sort of feels like a reward for good work done years ago in our very first miniistry there, reaping the rewards of our faithfulness there through these people. Andrew and Kim, Beverly and Joe, Kim, Jason and their whole family, Travis and Madeline and the boys, Bro. Danny, James and Sylvia, Misty and Bryan and their sweet children, Mark and Cathy and the kids, Steve, Karen and their crew, and of course Gayle and Jan Mitchell...all were a part of our lives back then and have now come full circle! Who could have known??
29 people were present for the church vote on August 1st when Kyle was presented as a candidate forthe pastor position at Anderson Baptist Church. The average attendance was 6 or 7 on Wednesday nights. There were 2 children and one high school student in the whole church then. Pretty small begining from most people's standards, but we were nothing but excited by this challenge. No where to go but up! Now, on Wednesday nights, you will see 25 plus children and youth crowded into our new bulding for Team Kid and youth group. More than 25 adults come to the Parker House to have bible study and prayer meeting...Who could have known what growth God was planning in the future with people He had been preparing to join us?
Last year, our church voted (a few more than 29 people voted this time!) to bring Andrew on as our part time student minister. He had already been doing the job, but now we had grown the point that we could offer him a little compensation. A huge step for this small body of believers! 5 students and 2 adults went to Student Life camp in 2009... this year God sent 18 students and 5 adults leaders!! God is honoring Andrew's service and his faithfulness. It is such a pleasure to watch all of this growth! Who could have known this would be our future all those months and weeks ago?
Last Sunday, 92 people attended the Father's Day service. Kyle preached one of the best sermons I've heard... he sure is getting good at this preaching thing! This Sunday, we'll baptize a little boy that accepted Christ with his Mom at home recently. Exciting times! This Sunday we'll also have some of those students that attended camp get up and share their experiences...I can't wait! Many of these will make their decisions public and God will be honored! Who could have known that God would show up like only He can and speak to those young adults like He did?? 6 or 7 accepted Christ...3 re-dedications...growth in that body of students that will spread through out our church...EXCITING!!
Last week, our church (under the amazing direction of Nan Nevels!) put on it's first VBS in many years. 32 different children registered and attended ...not to bad considering only 29 people were present to vote for us to be here less than 2 years before! 38 workers participated each night...WOW!! Who could have known??
God's presence is almost overwhelming right now. It is sweet and thick and unavoidable. If you don't want any of what He is doing here, then you better steer clear of Hwy 90. He has set up camp here and is totally using our town and church to accomplish His will and plan. I am honored to be just a small part of this. Really...who could have known? God knew all along...that's because He is God!!
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