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Thursday, August 19, 2010

From FB..."I think I saw an angel today..." from November 15, 2009

So, although I didn't realize it at the time, I think I saw an angel today. Ordinary afternoon shopping with Kyle... checking out at the front of the store. I had been aware as we shopped of a family there with loud children. I got a glimpse of them midway through my time in the store...not kids, more like young adults with special needs. I am used to that- I 've dealt with people of all types through my work in the hospitals and clinics over the years. I didn't pay much attention to them...busy with my main focus shopping for a new sweater- you know, important stuff!

Placing the items we had selected on the counter, I noticed that the next cashier was helping this same family. Middle aged Hispanic man, maybe 50-ish, with two young adult special needs children at his side. The son must have been the one I had heard earlier. He was all smiles, talking non-stop. He pointed out this thing and the next to his father. Their dad was very patient with them, responding to everything he said. Along with this son, though, was a daughter. Although very small in stature, she was probably about my oldest daughter's age- 23 or so. She was obviously developmentally delayed, but was a very happy young lady. As I was waiting on the total, I pulled out my chewing gum from my purse. When she saw the package, her eyes lit up!!! She got so excited that she began to squeal! Like a small child, she immediately held her hand out and silently asked for a piece. I didn't really understand what she wanted at first, so she began to make noises to say "Please!!". Not the word, mind you...just the sound. Somehow I got it! I looked to Dad and said "Do you mind?". He initially said "No, no...that is ok- she doesn't need that.". I said, "I don't mind..." and he finally said "ok". When I opened the package and set two pieces into my hand, she grabbed them quickly and smiled at me- all teeth!! I was feeling pretty satisfied with having made her so happy and then I heard a similar sound coming from her brother. He wanted gum too!! Two more pieces, one more big toothy grin. That was nice... I was happy to have made them happy.

Receipt and purse in one hand and bags in another , I headed for the door. I stopped when I noticed she had stepped into my path. "Do you want more gum?"... no response. Then she did it-

She reached both arms around my neck and pulled me in close. She hugged me like I can't remember being hugged in a long time by anyone. When she finally let me go, she smiled at me. I said something about how sweet she was and thanked her. I walked out feeling quite warm inside.

I got busy immediately dealing with a phone call and then the drive home. I actually forgot about that hug until I got still and began thinking a little bit ago. Then God reminded me of it and I realized what a gift I had been given today. She didn't know me and I didn't know how much I needed her hug. This young lady might not seem to have a lot to offer to some, but she gave me something no one else could- a glimpse of the Father. Who knew a simple shopping trip could be so rewarding?

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