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Monday, August 27, 2012

The journey...

What part is the most important part?  The planning, the execution, or enjoying the acheivement?  I am a planner...I like to think a lot about how things are going to go.  I like to dream about what each step looks like.  I like to imagine the things that will be said and how it will evolve.  Execution is not quite as important to me.  That is the part that stresses me out.  I do enjoy the 'enjoying the acheivement' part, but not as much as step one.  That could be just me, but  I think  I am not alone.  

Some of these traits could be from my firstborn status.  I am a listmaker (not ensuring that I will perform the tasks on the list, just that I made one), I am bossy and I always assume the waitress wants my drink order no matter how many people are at our table.  Another odd thing is how I re-read text message and journal entries 100000 times.  Maybe I do enjoy the acheivement step more than I originally thought.  I love that reading and re-reading to relive and analyze the moment, but actually I think I am back at step one- planning the next talk, entry, or encounter. 

 I suppose that God is quite the planner also.  When Jesus told us that he was going to prepare a place for us, that indicated to me that there was work to be done.  As a child, I imagined work crews building masions in heaven and wondered how long it was going to take.  It's been over 2000 years since He made this promise.  That is a lot of time for planning.  Someday soon, we will enter the execution part of that plan- the going to heaven part.  Once we're there, we will enter the final setp- enjoying the acheivement. I am looking forward to the whole journey.  If this much planning has gone into it, I cannot wait to get there!!

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