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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Living life upside down...

Honduras is such a polar opposite from life in the US. Yesterday our teams went into a village to do food distribution. Bags of 2 lbs of rice and 2 lbs of red beans were issued to each home, whether there were 8 children there or just an elderly husband and wife. I gave away all of the snacks I brought for myself (I have not missed a meal and have over eaten- stark contrast to their lives) and hugged lots of children I will never see this side of heaven again. They are so different than our children in the US. No ADHD here...children are well-behaved and quiet. They are responsible for their younger siblings. They tend crops and animals. They don't wear shoes and aren't concerned with video games. They don't know what the internet is and have never held an iPad or iPhone. Life is different here, but they seem to have it more 'figured out' in some ways. Earning a living isn't a priority...living is their priority. Daddy and Mommys don't leave their homes to work in the city and bring home paychecks...they stay home and just survive. Heading out now...more later

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