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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So many changes...

Life is full of changes. I know this, I expect this, I rely on this. Staying the same equals stagnation usually. Lately some of the changes I have encountered have been pretty challenging. I have spent hours working on a couple of issues that seem to reappear and reappear. One step forward and three steps back. I struggle against unseen forces that I have no control over. It is hard to remember that God is in control. Today I saw a great quote on FB that I need to remember. "God wants us to have a present expectation of something good happening to us instead of constantly mourning over what has been lost". In light of Hannah and Carson breaking up, in light of those 15 lbs returning that I had lost, in light of a lot of things- I need to meditate on this. The verse in Phillipians (4:8) comes to mind: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. I have to let God be God. I talk about this, I preach it to others- now I must live it out again. I know God has a purpose. M sister sent me a message yesterday to help me understand why I have such a hard time sometimes. She said "God made your heart the way he did for a reason. You get very attached to the people in your life who strike a chord with you and it's all God. He has a reason for everything including this breakup. I do love how deeply loyal you are to those you love..including me...;). She is right. I do love those that I love very deeply. If you are in that circle- consider yourself lucky!!  Most likely, if you are reading this- you are in that circle!!

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