Thursday, July 1, 2010

Just when I needed You most....

This has been an interesting week. Coming off of the high of camp from last week, I knew things would change. Traditionally it isn't a change for the best, because the devil shows up and begins to mess things up. This seems to be the way things have been going. Such amazing things happened at camp. Andrew and Kim took a total of 23 adults and students to San Angelo. Of the 23, 9 people made decisions. 6 professions of faith, 3 re-dedications. On Sunday, 5 of the 6 came forward to join our church. It was an AMAZING day!! By the evening, things had begun to change already.

  • Someone was upset. The mother of two of the students that had received Christ got offended during her Sunday School class. She doesn't know the Lord, although she is a wonderful person. Her experience in Sunday School made the wonderful service clouded for her. I knew nothing of it, but it was bad for her because she was so upset. I spoke to her for an hour on Monday and she met with Kyle for a long while also. She just doesn't understand so many things. I know that God will reveal things to her as she becomes ready, but it isn't today.
  • Kyle is sick. For almost 3 weeks now, he has been dealing with a kidney stone (s?). He became miserable last Monday as we traveled to San Angelo. It has been off and on since. 2 ER visits, one CT scan, countless pain pills and lots of frustration later, we have a diagnosis at least. 2 kidney stones remain in the left kidney. I am praying he'll pass them soon and we will be ok for a while. It is miserable to watch the man I love be in so much pain. He is such a great fellow and deserves so much more!
  • My company was sold. The work that I've done for all of these months now is in jeopardy. Things never stay the same when that happens. Bummer, right? Still have a job for now, though, so that is good.

Here is what happened today, though. I was very discouraged today. I was frustrated with a few details at work. I had a headache and I was ready to go home. Sitting at my desk, I saw one of my residents being pushed up to my door in his wheelchair. He has ALS and cannot speak. He didn't want to leave his home, but has done really well since moving into our community. He was smiling and had big plants in his lap. His sister said "This is for you!" and he extended one of the two plants to me. I thanked him and gave him a hug, oohing and aahhing over the gracious gift. He had written me a note thanking me for 'changing his life' by convincing him to move into HEOA. He was so happy!! He took the other gift to our ED and thanked her simlarly. I needed that! Just a couiple of minutes later, another family came up and basically told me the same thing. They said that their mom had a new lease on life and they were so grateful for my help in getting her there. You never know what an impact you might be having on someone else, I guess. God knew I needed their words of encouragement today, especially today.

I am thankful for a God that knows me so well that He can send people into my life to help me when I need it. Much better day today!!

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