Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Amazing times...simply amazing!

These are some amazing times I am living in...simply amazing! The growth that I am witnessing in our church and in the lives of our members is just overwhelming. Two days ago, 8 new members were baptized into our body of believers. The week before that, one more and the week before that still one more. 10 baptisms in 3 weeks...unbelievable! It seems that when one problem arises, God puts a blessing in my life to counter it. We are not promised a life free from trouble- that would be boring! The beauty of this is the ride! The challenges...the wondering how God is going to make this crooked path straight...getting to watch the plan unfold. You have to watch though..don't just think this is 'life'. This is "life" through Christ. Abundant, overflowing, rich, and fufilling. All the things I see God doing right now are simply amazing...not sure how else to describe it!

Be blessed today. Watch for all the ways God is blessing you- because He is!

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