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Friday, January 15, 2010

Shall I update you?

Seems that I have laid out a few different situations on here that need a little more explanation.

  • First let's talk about work. Yesterday I took the check securing the 52nd deposit of 79. Only a dozen (13 actually) rooms left in AL, 12 in MC. Now 66% preleased!! VERY GOOD!!! I think we've even suprised the corporate office... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more deposits than the sister house that is a month ahead of us and is about to open.
  • Weight loss: Didn't weigh in this morning, but still down about 20 lbs since August. Making smart choices, limiting portions, just doing better. No meetings, no expense, just trying to be accountable to K'Lynn and myself! Ran one night last week- need to get more faithful with that.
  • My mom and dad: Believe it or not, they seem to have hit some type of even keel. Dad is trying harder, getting around a little better, doing more for himself. She seems to feel a little less put upon, started a new job, posting on FB once in a while, doing better! It feels great to know that God is working there.

Those are the main things...life is good and is really humbling right now. I watch the earthquake in Haiti and realize how much of a heart for missions my family has. I think we'd all jump on the nearest flight and go if it were just that easy. Father, be with those that can and do go. Be with the Haitians. I trust your authority and your plan. Holding onto the faith and trusting God for the details...

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