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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shame on me!

It has been HOW long since I posted here? Now that's too long!! More things have happened than I could possibly remember to write down. What a waste...so many good things I will wish I had recorded. Let's see if I can recall any of them? Well, most recently, we had Christmas. We went to McLeod and Queen City and to the ER with Kyle. He had his first (please God let it be his LAST) kidney stone. No fun for him at all...lots of worry for me! So glad that is over. He passed it today around noon.

My dad had a stroke just after Thanksgiving. Mom called early the Saturday after Thanksgiving and told me. She needed me to get him to be cooporative with the EMS guys. He was being his usual, beligerent self. I told him he had to go, he finally agreed. The rest of the story is really long and I will save it for another post. Let's just say that God really showed up and showed off in this situation. Very wierd and wonderful...all at the same time. Reminded me of how thankful I am that someone gave me the advise to never go to bed mad. Don't start off taking each other for granted and you wil never find yourself where my parents found themselves...45 years into a terrible mess with only God to bail them out. Thankfully it seems He has.

Nite...too tired to write it all down!

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