Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Positive changes

I am trying to make some positive changes. Eating better, sleeping better hours, better communication skills, exercising a little bit...need to live another 55 years or so, you know? So, I started going to Weight Watchers on Saturday. I am tracking my points online and making good choices. I am finding some foods that I really like, even though I never would have tried them without the diet plan. I am avoiding foods that are so familiar with me I think of them as family (like Coca Cola...sniff, tear, sniff). I am learning now to put myself into situations that would normally challenge my new rules. There are some real triggers for me, like the drive thru window (who wants a bottled water with a good hamburger? wait- can I have hamburgers??) and the movies (HAVE TO HAVE COKE AND POPCORN AND MILK DUDS!!!). I have to try to avoid these. Some things are really helping, though. Route 44 Ice Water with Extra Ice- only 50 cents at most Sonics. One of these will almost get me through the whole day. Much cheaper than all of those $2 cokes I was drinking!! So many things in my life I need to get a handle on. This is just one of them. I do look so forward to wearing smaller clothes. I look forward to being able to walk long distances without being so winded I can't talk. I look forward to wearing cool clothes that I feel so confident in. Those days will come. It may take a little while, but they will come. I am 40 years old. This won't be any easier later- I need to do it now!!!

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