Monday, September 21, 2009

Best laid plans...

Well, I worked through lunch today so that I could leave early. Had to go to Hannah's volleyball game. So, I left work at 3:30, raced home and got here at 4:29. Potty run and back in the car by 4:33. Drove as fast as I could, got there by 5:30. That is good time for driving from Anderson to Centerville. The games normally start at 4:30 (and hers is the 3rd set of games) , but tonight one of the games was cancelled. This moved everything up considerably, hence the rush.

We get to the gym and see Hannah sitting on the bench (this coach leaves her out the WHOLE first game EVERY TIME- hacks me off!) as usual. She looked mad...I thought because she was on the bench. Game began and went great- they won! As the game ended, though, something odd happened. Instead of begining a 2nd game, the 8th graders took the floor. WHAT? I am confused. Hannah comes over and looks totally disgusted. Still I am confused...guess what this means- we missed the first game. AND for the first time in her short little 7th grade VB career, the coach started her out in the first game. Of Course she did! Since I was driving 80 mph the 80 miles to get there! UUGGGHHHH. I must be the worst mother in the world.

Do I get credit for trying??????????????????

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