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Friday, September 18, 2009

bottled up

I feel so anxious tonight. I don't really know why. I feel physically kinda rough. I am emotionally pretty tired. I feel a lot of pressure regarding cleaning my house and getting everything done. I am supposed to start going to weight watchers again tomorrow morning. I have eated like a PIG all day- not sure if it is a last hurrah or just my own lack of self control. I have a headache and my face is broken out. I have horrible cramps and wish I could go to bed right now. I discovered one of the windows near the door is cracked. I can't fit any of my clothes. Need I go on? I am exhausted.

Know what is funny? Despite all of this...no matter what this list of gripes contains, I feel very content and satisfied. I know that God is in charge of my life. I know that the weight I hate so much is exactly where God has me right now for whatever reason. I know that cramps pass eventually and tomorrow will look and feel a lot better. I know that the dirty house I live in is just part of life sometimes. I know that the good out-weighs the bad in my life ALWAYS.

Lets list the good things (in NO particular order!!):
  • I got a new haircut and I think I like it.
  • I have cheap rent and a very quaint old house.
  • HOUSE starts Monday night (!!)
  • My checking account isn't in the red!!!
  • My husband LOVES me- despite all of the things listed at the top of this entry.
  • I have AMAZING children- all 3 of them and for very different reasons.
  • I am married to my best friend
  • I love my sister and am so glad she is my best female friend.
  • God loves me and has a plan for me
  • Jesus died for my sins.

Long enough...good outweighs bad every time!

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