As a believer, I come with certain gifts. Each of us has a spiritual gift, unique to that person, but sometimes these take time to see or develop. God gives us these to prepare us for the tasks He has for us throughout our lives. He uses these to encourage others, build the kingdom, and make our lives richer. This is only part of what comes along with the title of believer...there is more.
When I came to faith in Christ at 13, I don't think I really realized what I was signing up for. I knew I needed to have a personal relationship with Christ, but did not understand that the Holy Spirit was going to be part of the deal. The Holy Spirit...this invisible, odorless, tasteless, impossible to explain manifestation of God that comes to dwell in each person that accepts Christ as their savior...He was part of the package.
When people in my life make decisions that don't seem to make the most sense, I have to look at the whole situation. Does it line up with the gospel? Or better yet, is there anything that really does NOT line up with the bible? If it isn't illegal, immoral, or harmful to their health, chances are that it might be the Holy Spirit's prompting. Now, there has to be nothing that would be contrary to the gospel, or that would not be the HS. He, being part of the Godhead, could not lead me in a way that was not pure. The trick is listening and using discernment about whether I am hearing God's prompting, or that of something else.
When K'Lynn came home for a visit at Thanksgiving a few years ago, she became terribly homesick. She was more than just homesick, though...God was preparing her for a move. Something that made little sense to leave a very good job in New Mexico and to move back home into a bedroom with her little sister in Anderson, TX. I know some questioned her decision. I know the people she was working for thought she was just young and immature, missed her family, and was going back home for those reasons. Not true, though. She was following the leading of the Holy Spirit. She did leave New Mexico, she moved to a little house here in Anderson with us, and God honored her obedience. He provided her with a season of reflection. He gave her time to work on herself for a while. He allowed her to be here for a very scary accident and a couple of job changes. All of this prepared her for the day when God opened the door for a great teaching job in Waco- exactly where she was supposed to be. What others saw as foolish perhaps, we saw as God's hand.
I remember telling my dad we were moving to Anderson. He said "I just hate to see you go to a little dead end town like that..." which insulted me deeply. I remember thinking at the time (and saying to Kyle) "Why can't he just trust the Holy Spirit to speak to us?". Turns out, he was wrong about Anderson. Some of our best success and growth has happened here. All ordained, all designed by a loving Father who wants the best for us and this community.
I suppose I am writing this to encourage you to weigh each situation out before passing judgement. God has equipped us with the Holy Spirit, but He doesn't tell all of us the same thing. He has a different plan for each of us. My directions from Him may not be what you think is best. Your direction from Him might confuse me. None of this makes it wrong...just personalized. Listen closely...follow willingly....He will direct you paths. Blessings!!
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