Friends are somehting I have always wondered about. Do I need them? Do they need me? Should I even have them? Is my own family enough? Here is the thing: I have a great husband that I consider my best friend. Do I need anyone else? I have a sister that I love to talk to for hours on end. Do I need anyone else? I have two great sisters-in-law that I always enjoy talking with and visiting when I can. Do I need anyone else? I have two daughters that are both wonderful to talk with and spend time with. Isn't that enough?
We are designed for relationships. Friends can provide perspective that family cannot. Choose these friends wisely, but you should choose one or two. Sounding board, counselor, confidant, therapist, partner in crime- there are so many roles a friend can fill in your life.
Proverbs 11:14 says "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." I have learned recently that I need to run things past someone else. Whenever I do it 'on my own', I get in trouble. I can only hear my own thoughts in my head, so saying things out loud (or in the case of one of my dear friends- texting them) gives me the chance to try them out before making decisions based on just my feelings.
I am thankful that God has given me friends like I have. Many different ones, and each one fills a different role. I have shopping friends, ballgame friends, church friends, traveling friends, eating out friends, phone friends, FB friends, texting friends- there are so many!! I am who I am because of the influence they have each had on my life. I love each of them. God sure knew what I needed when he gave them to me!!
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