Andrew and Kim have a baby now. Her name is Audra McCartney Williams. She arrived on Dec 26 at 9:13 am by C-section. She is beautiful...she is perfect...she is here! Her birth came at the end of a week of such sorrow. Kim's sweet mother, Penny, died suddenly on the 19th of December. She had a heart attack. She never met little Audra. She was very proud of Andrew and Kim and the little family they were creating.
Kim stayed strong during the arrangements and the funeral. It is easier to handle a funeral when you know the person had a saving knowledge of the Lord. Doesn't make you miss them less, but you know you will see them again someday. Audra has eased the pain a little, I am sure.
Audra is the first of what I hope will be many children that this sweet couple will have. With her grandma gone, I hope to have the honor of filling that spot any time I am needed. Kyle is as proud of her as he will be of our "blood" grandchildren someday. So thankful that God gives and takes away...this is a perfect example of the circle of life. Love that girl already, although she is only 10 days old!!
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