I got a sweet puppy a few weeks ago. Her name was Mollie. I loved her like didn't know I could. My husband loved her in a way he didn't expect also. She was growing, learning new tricks, had a mountain of personality, and every day was an adventure. She wasn't housetrained, but we managed. She slept in our bed and snuggled with us at night. She played rough with Kyle, but would snuggle up in my lap. She even won the hearts of K'Lynn and Hannah, which is saying quite a lot for a dog. She loved Lucky, my sweet Jack Russell.
Today, though, she got out of the yard and was immediatly hit by a car. I am sure they never saw her sweet little body. K'Lynn found her and it broke her heart. She was finally able to call me and I was devestated. I stil am.
More later...I am trying to decide if I am out of tears, or if there are a few left to get to sleep with tonight. Lots of prayers needed...she really was family. I love you Mollie. Rest in peace.
love you.