The news in my last post was so great, I almost hesitated to post it. You' ve heard the phrase, "don't speak too soon"... I guess I did. Got all call from Mom on Saturday morning at 5 am. Dad had fallen out of bed. Who do I call was the question? EMS was the only answer. I wished that I could live closer to help and to watch the relationship evolve. Later that morning I called her back...I wanted to get more of the story. Instead, I heard how he had been sitting in a chair for the past few days and how she had slept for 3 days just wanting to avoid the situaiton. Old habits are hard to break, I guess. One of my prayers had been for the old demons to stay away, but they never left apparently. I must be honest...I was very sad when I talked with them that day. I had been "cautiously optomistic", but apparently this was not a reasonable emotion. I told Mom," My list of ideas for helping you guys out is growing really thin". You know, at some point you would think that a couple could just take responsibility for their own life and make this work out. Is that so hard? And as for the wedding band? Mom said she thought that Dad thought that by her buying that she was signing up to be his slave....good grief!!!
Thank you God for my precious husband and the relationship we have. I need another 80 years to be married to him...not a day less will do. He is an honorable man- I am blessed and highly favored. I do not deserve him, but I am so thankful that he tolerates me!!
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