Well, today was a little different. I got up, got completely ready for work and then checked on Hannah. I knew she was sick. Kyle had to pick her up from school early the day before and the flu is running rampantly through our school. Anyway, she had been puny all night and I was hoping just to keep her at home with indirect supervision from Kyle. No such luck. She came out and complained of feeling hot. I checked her head- it was warm. Temp 99.8...certainly not earth-shattering, but significant since it was early in the day. Called my boss, cleared the day to work from home and take her to the doctor. Called the clinic, got the only appointment available which was 4:50 pm with Doc Baker. We love him...such an awesome and Godly man.
Back to my room, changed out of my work clothes. Dishes and breakfast for Kyle and Hannah- check. Work a little on the lead center- check. Medicate the child- check. Not much longer, the call from the clinic came saying there was an open time at 1:50. Good... my day just sped up! I didn't want to bring her in that late anyway!
Arrive at the clinic right on time. Didn't wait too long, especially considering the number of flu cases they have had this week and today even. Dr. Baker came in and it was a little like a reunion for a few minutes. He hadn't seen Hannah since she was probably 7 or so. I hadn't seen him since then either, but I used to work there at the clinic so we knew each other pretty well. He has such a gentle way with the kids. Everyone loves him and he is a good doctor also. Nice combination. Based on the list of complaints, he decided that it probably wasn't the flu. Probably a "viral upper respiratory infection" that can really imitate the flu other than the high fever. He didn't do a flu swab, but if her fever gets much higher we would. Gave her some cough syrup with Phenergan and Codeine to help with the cough and the nausea. Old fashioned cure, but it usually works.
Now home and her fever has climbed to 101.7. She is achy, a little whiney, and now medicated. Watching Twilight (for the 1000th time) and just chillin. Hate that I missed work, but you know- these days are fleeting. She won't care if I'm around when she is sick much longer. I need to soak this up. Fleeting...fleeting...fleeting. Thank you God for my family. Thank you for the wonderful blend of personalities, talents, and strengths. What a great life I have been given.
Nope. You always want your mom when you're sick. Especially if your mom makes chicken and rice as good as yours.