This is the first Monday that I haven't had to rush out of the house in so long I don't remember. Today I am "officing from home", a concept I love! The time is my own to manage. Get up and work in your bathrobe? OK. Want to go grab lunch at 11:00 and then work through the noon hour? OK. Just a few rules: get the work done and be on the 3 pm conference call. OK. I could get used to this!
Very different from the job I just left. The job that constantly told me how poorly I could manage my own time. The job that expected me to be out the door before 7 am on Mondays to drive down into Houston for a meeting that was pointless and discouraging. Weekly being told that the contacts weren't enough, the job wasn't being done well, the place was going to fall down if we didn't step up the pace, etc!!!!! On and on. I dealt with this pretty well, but when the admin then asked for daily "here is what I am going to be doing all day" calls and mid day"here is what I have done so far/ here is what I will be doing this afternoon" emails, followed by evening emails announcing "here is what I did all day"...see the pattern here????? Oh my goodness...I am tense again just writing about this!!
I know there is no utopia in the world of work. I know there is a reason why they call it "work"- it does involve actual activities. Not just getting my nails done, not just shopping, etc... I can deal with that. I think , though, that there is some balance in this world that I want to find.
I'll keep you posted- this is only week number 3!
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