Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feelings are real, but complicated

Feelings are real.  They belong to the person who feels them.  They are also very complicated at times.  Feelings cause us to explode, or to bottle up; to love, or to hate; to rush, or to pause; to cry, or to laugh.  They cause us to take sides, be loyal, to love unconditionally, and to trust.  They can also cause us to be cautious, to be wary of, to fear and to swear 'never again'.  Feelings are individual, until shared.  While in my own head and heart, they are safe, unseen, untested, and just for me.  Once I begin to share them with someone else, I am vulnerable.  I won't just throw them out there. I have to be sure.  If I read the person wrong, I have been exposed and am subject to their ridicule or rejection.  I know what I want, but I am not sure what you want...and I am not brave enough yet to show all of my cards.  

This is true in any relationship.  Husbands and wives, dating or wanting to, friends and enemies, co workers, social relationships...whether it be a large issue or a small one.  The rules are the same.  I must feel things out before I speak.  I will send out tests to see how they are received and proceed based on this.  I need to know that it is safe before I jump in.

I am thankful that I have come to a place where I trust in one person.  For 32 years, he has been  listening to me, allowing me to work through situations without judgement, and loving me the whole time.  I pray that everyone can find that one.  It is scary at first.  Timing is everything.  Stops and starts are ok, but getting into rhythm is key.  God has a plan.  Seek Him to discover it.  Be intentional- be part of it.  Be brave and put yourself out there.  Everyone else is as scared as you are- at least at first.  

Be blessed.

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