Monday, October 8, 2012


In Sunday School yesterday, we were reading in Psalm 145.  In verse 13, David writes "Your kingdom is an everlasting kindgom and your dominion endures through all generations."  This made me think of how God's presence in a family, in the hearts of it's members, changes the way that family looks generation after generation.  Although no family is perfect, I wonder just how ours would look without the influence of Christ and our church family on it all these years.  This would surely shape the way our children, then, started and raised their own families and so on, and so on, and so on...

Remember the movie "It's a  Wonderful Life"?  My family and friends know that this is my all time favorite movie.  I even talked Kyle into showing it at a big church get together once.  It is a classic!  In it, George Bailey is a main character.  He gets to find out what his hometown of Bedford Falls would have been like if he hadn't ever been born.  It was a much darker place with Mr. Potter having no opposition  and no one to encourage the people to rise up and make a better life for themselves.  Christ is a lot like this in our own world.    His example is  what allows us to know of the hope we have (or can have) for a future.  The Bible is a piece of this also.  It's words can encourage us to live better lives.  It is the opposition to the darkness that Satan (or Mr. Potter) provides in our world.  Without Christ...without the Gospel... this world would be a very dark place.  Back to the movie illustration,  because of George Bailey's influence on the world (in Bedford Falls, anyway), generations were changed.

Are you being a George Bailey?  If your influence on your spouse, your children, your family, in your workplace and your community one that makes a positive difference?  Are you doing Kingdom work that will touch others with Christ's love and bring other closer to a saving knowlege of Him?  It is not too late to start!  Begin today.  Leave a George Christ's hands and feet in our world.

Be blessed....

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