Saturday, August 28, 2010


God has me in a wierd place right now. Things have never been better, yet, I've never been more restless. I would love to say I am super happy with where I am in my life, but I'm just not satisfied in some ways. I have lost 40 lbs since last September, but I am not satisfied at all. I am also not doing anything to lose more, so ???? what do I expect? I am so overworked this past week that I am exhausted! I am just crazy busy at work and have so much to do at home also. I found out last Saturday that they might be selling our house...seriously? We just got here! I will have to trust God to show us what to do next if that happens. I got the opportunity to talk with someone yesterday about some possible work changes...trusting God to work those details out too. Excited about where our church is going now...can't wait for tomorrow!

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