Thursday, January 14, 2010

I want to get away!!!

So, we are going on a trip! Probably the first get away we've taken alone in...well...I don't know if we've ever done anything like this before in 27 years! No kids, no job, no phones, no adgenda...just time. Time and the open road and a quaint bed and breakfast. I cannot begin to explain how excited I am. I need this...Kyle needs this...we really need this!! We will be gone for 3 days and 2 nights. Lots of time to talk, reconnect, discover, piddle...whatever we want to do! Did I mention why and where we're going? First why: because my friend/boss Becky and I have busted our buts and beat another community in reaching 50 deposits first. Big accomplishment! Where? To Fredricksburg. We aren't German, but I hear there are antique stores there that might be fun to look in. We enjoy that together, so it will be great.

I wonder if we'll ever make it to see any antiques??? ;-)

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