Monday, November 9, 2015

The year that was almost too much...

This has been  such a crazy year.   Here are a few high lights:

  • Hannah graduated from high school
  • Kyle took a month long sabbatical from our church after a very trying summer
  • Kyle and I have lost over 100 pounds between the two of us
  • We opened a new storefront for our side business in downtown Navasota with our friends Angela and James
  • My dad passed away
  • Hannah moved out and into an apartment with her sister
  • Hannah started her first year of college
  • I stopped teaching Sunday School after teaching for the past 7 years (and many more years prior to that)
  • I gave up most of my women's ministry responsibilities
  • Kyle and I became empty nesters mid July
  • Kyle and I opened our home to two young girls that needed  a place to live in mid September
  • We became grandparents to miss Haddie Lynn in August
This is just a partial list- many other things I won't list just due to the fact that they are a little more personal.  I feel in many way like I have been on a 100 mile sprint.  
I am       just.  plain.   exhausted.

Daily, I am finding myself more and more in need of God.  In need of Him to quiet my spirit.  In need of Him to center me.  In need of Him to remind me of who is in control.  In need of Him to renew my strength.  In need of Him to encourage me.  In need of Him to  give me direction through his word and through his people.  I sometimes forget to look to Him, and I get very bogged down.  I get tired very quickly.  I become short and impatient.  I get in my flesh and don't exhibit His spirit.  This year has been a challenge.

I am thankful, though, for this year.  God has used it to stretch us, to grow us and to draw us closer to Him and to each other.  He has great plan for us.  I am so thankful that He is a God of second chances.  I am so thankful that He is a God that works all things together for my good.  I am so thankful for the people He has placed in my life to join in this journey with me.  In many ways, this year has almost been too much- bad and good.  God filters both and is surprised by neither.