Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Flying again...and thinking.

When I fly, I have a lot of time to think. This week is no exception. My mind is racing with thoughts of family, church stuff, work stuff, business stuff, life stuff.   Today I am rereading my blog posts and asking God for a different answer to the same question. I do this a lot.  I watch movies I have seen before and actually expect there to maybe be a different outcome.  Dumb I know, just the way my brain works.  Dangerous too...

God has closed a "door" in my life that I continue to approach and listen at.  I continue to wonder what might be behind it.  I can almost feel myself getting down on my hands and knees, the side of my face on the cool floor, trying to peek underneath the door and see what might be coming.  I continue to think that maybe someday He will open it again. He showed me a while back that this door is definitely not open for now and might not be  ever.  He showed me other doors and I thought that was good, but then they closed too. I know it is foolish on my part to keep hanging around this idea and to think it could work.  I just do.  

Help me focus Father.  Help me wait on your plan.  Help me do Your will, not try to accomplish my own.