Sunday, October 25, 2009

Flat on your back...

You know, you jus tnever know how things are going to go. Saturday, up and moving, getting stuff done, hanging out with family, tackling that project that I'd been putting off- the storage building. Finished working out there, got a lot done and headed home. By evening, my back started feeling a little stiff. By bedtime I couldn't lay down without feeling the tightness with every turn. Slept ok (Tylenol PM!!) and woke up flat on my back- for the day. Heating pads, advil, hot bath, the whole routine. Here I am now, 10 pm and still hurting... how will I make it tomorrow?? I hope this will ease up- I am pretty pitiful right now!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

what a week...

Last night, I had a vivid dream. In the dream, he called our house. He asked that both of us get on the phone. He said "I have to talk to you both. I have realized that I was so competely wrong. I don't know what else to say other than that. I don't know how you would ever be able to forgive me. I know that what I did to you is really just unforgivable. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I would love to ask that you listen without hanging up." I began to my was all I really wanted. I don't want to go back to ABQ. I don't want to be under his influence any more. I don't want him to tell my husband how little he is worth and to make him wonder if he is good enough. God says he is, I say he is, our children, our church and our community say he is...that is all that matters.

When I woke up and realized it had only been a dream, I was sad. I wished so much that it could have been true. I wish that there was some way for things to be better. You invest so much in others when you think they are going to be in your life forever. There was a time that I thought we would be grandparents together. There was a time that I trusted him with my spiritual life. Now I know better on so many different levels. I wish my kids had never had to go through this experience, but I know they are better for it somehow. I am thankful for the ones God has put in their place. There will never be another famiy like them for us, because we won't ever allow ourselves to be that close to anyone else. Sad really...but necessary.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I love it when we get to decorate!!

Well, I pulled out the fall and Thanksgiving holiday decorations for the church tonight. I have really enjoyed getting to do the decorating at the church since we got her. The church has so much character and looks really cool when it is decorated for the holidays. In the front, there is a display of fall flowers and leaves along with several different pumkins and gourds.. I think they look pretty neat. In the fellowship hall, there are candelabras on each table with orange candles for fall. Tomorrow we are hoping to have 100 people in worship. It is NOT about the numbers, but the challenge. I will be thrilled if there are our usual 65 people here, but 100 would be great too! OK, gotta hit the hay- must make a lot of pancakes for breakfast tomorrow!!